BIG ONE GIRLS interviewed Suzuka Nakamoto, Yui Mizuno and Moa Kikuchi on issue number 16 released on May 27 of 2013. One of the several interview sections with the girls was "Sweet Impressions" a special corner with Moa Kikuchi and Yui Mizuno to answer as Sakura Gakuin members. Read translation thanks to YMJapan.
Sweet Impressions corner with Moa Kikuchi and Yui Mizuno

Sweet impression corner, Moa Kikuchi and Yui Mizuno took a question as Sakura Gakuin members.
Q: When do you feel like an adult or a child?
Moa Kikuchi: "I don’t have the word “adult” in me. I want to be an “eternal child”. Though I say, “Moa is more matured” when talking with others. (Laughs) For the lyrics of “Mezase! Superlady”, Mori-sensei described me as a little adult. I was so happy about that, but I’d like to make it clear, “I don’t want to be an adult”.(Laughs)"
Yui Mizuno: "I’ve been said, “You get taller” and “Your face becomes matured” lately. I grew 1.8cm in a month at the last time I measured it. I’ll top 160cm until graduating from Sakura Gakuin at this rate! I might become the tallest member. I won’t let you say, “You’re short” anymore. (Laugh)"