BABYMETAL will be featured in a special TV Program on NHK from Japan next December 21 confirmed by Site. More details below with a promotional video and translation added thanks to our members Aaron White and Matsushita Risa.
BABYMETAL on NHK Music Japan and Special TV Program next December 21

As we mentioned this week, BABYMETAL was featured on NHK Music Japan promoting the special TV Program to be released next December 21 on NHK from Japan at 00:15 Japanese time. Time and dates confirmed by Site.
Here is the translation of the video below.
Voice Over:
"Group of three, Babymetal, which is a Metal/dance unit had their World Tour. They did single Live(concert) in New York and London. While they are getting attention from all over the world by performing with Lady Gaga and such, their tickets are sold out and they made the local fans enthusiastic. Also it has been confirmed that TV programme about their world tour is going to be aired."
"Hello to people who are watching 'Music Japan', we are Babymetal.
Right now we are in London DEATH,"
"Live (concert) was a blast."
"We hope to see you soon."
"Until then, see you!"
Voice Over:
"That's it for now, that was the MJ headline."