Yuimetal wrote a very interesting diary hours before of the first Su-Metal Seitansai back in 2012. The BABYMETAL show took place at Akasaka Blizt and was called "Legend D". The Show was part of the "Legend I, D, Z" series. The live shows were released in DVD and Bluray later on 2013. Read Yui's diary translated below.
Yuimetal share her toughts about the BABYMETAL "Legend D" show

"Yuimetal Death.
Alright, OK, what day is today?
Of course you all know the answer. Today is Su-metal's Birthday Death. Su-metal...Happy Birthday.
And what is more today is a Babymetal live performance Death.
Aaa, It is today
Am I mentally ready to go? (laughs)
This time we are apparently doing something that will surprise Yui to the heavens and make me way too happy.
Most likely when we are doing that I will be grinning happily (laughs). I want to tell what that is, but I will let you all look forward to it.

This live performance is for Su-metal's birthday and that combined with the fact that we will be doing THAT thing, I am extremely ready to do my absolute best!! This live will be a very “hot” one so I hope everyone that comes does not forget to stretch their neck muscles first. To the fans that are coming I hope you will shake your heads in support.
Translation by: Thomas Malone.