The last show of the year for BABYMETAL was held at Toyosu PIT in Tokyo. The sold out show had the premiere of a new song, a great surprise on Onedari Daisakusen
and several songs dropped by the band, here is our report of the event.
BABYMETAL "Su-Metal Seitansai", Apocrypha-S at Toyosu PIT

The sold out show for the third Su-Metal Seitansai (Info about the first Seitansai and info about the second Seitansai) took place at Toyosu PIT in Japan. Was the first time for BABYMETAL playing in this venue. The event received 3.000 fans ready to mosh.
The long waiting since early hours of the morning had a little surprise, the rain. Several fans outside the venue suffered the ravages of rain until the doors opened at 17:30. At the entranse the face authentication system started to work over every fan club member before they entering to the venue anxious to buy the BABYMETAL merchandise available at the booth.
The start of the show was delayed 15 minutes because of the face authentification system which took a bit more time than the expected by the organization, but at 18:45 the show started with a video celebrating the Su-Metal Seitansai followed by the "Pattern of the World Tour" featuring Lady Gaga and the metal Festivals, Sonisphere and Heavy Montreal and the shows in New York and London.
The Setlist as expected was shorter than the other shows because the Apocrypha's shows are considered an intimate experience for fan club members for that reason were played only 9 songs, but surely were planned to be played 10 songs.
After the courtein dropped "BABYMETAL Death" was the first song showing the 3 girls and the Kami Band members.
Following "Death", was "Doki Doki Morning" with a great activity by Su-Metal showing her skills as MC, interacting with the audience like never before during this song. Then started the "New Song", yet without a name confirmed but the sound of the song has the vibe of Gimme Chocolate and the lyrics are not related with Metal Resistance 3 as "The One" which is a song fully composed to be part of the next Legend. Next Onedari Daisakusen, this time and for the first time with Su-Metal in the stage sharing with "BLACK BABYMETAL". Su-Metal once again showed her skills as MC proving a great interaction "Su-Metal in da house" remembering great contamporary MC's as Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park or Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit. The next song was "Catch Me If You Can", starting with the instrumental intro of the incredibly talented Kami Band formed this time with Hideki Aoyama on drums, Boh on bass, Takayoshi Ohmura on the first guitar and Mikio Fujioka on the second guitar. During the solos, Ohmura-San did a little of "Happy Birthday" dedicated to Su-Metal. Following "CMIYC" Akatsuki with the epic piano intro, the power of Kami Band and the melodic voice of Suzuka Nakamoto. Then Head Bangya with the long dark intro and Gimme Chocolate with the classic "Call & Response". The last song this time was "The One", with a long "heart beat" intro followed by the guitars of Ohmura and Fujioka and the "Hey hey hey" from the crowd.
02-Doki Doki Morning
03-New Song
04-Onedari Daisakusen with Su-Metal
05-Catch Me If You Can (w/Kami Band Intro)
07-Head Bangya!!
08-Gimme Chocolate (w/Call & Response)
09-The One
-BABYMETAL played for the first time at Toyosu PIT
-The face authentication system was used for the first time
-The show started 15 minutes later.
-Was premiered a new song, name not confirmed yet.
-Onedari Daisakusen was played for the first time with the 3 girls in the stage.
-Iine, Uki Uki Midnight, Akumu No Rondo, Yon No Uta, Megitsune and Ijime Dame Zettai were not played live this time.
-The last time that Ijime Dame Zettai wasn't played live was in the Side Show of the Summer Sonic 2012, August 19 of 2012.