The BABYMETAL "God of Drums" Hideki Aoyama did a short but moving summary of his 2014, He shared on his personal Twitter account the thoughts about his year. Translation of our member Thomas Malone.
Hideki Aoyama shares a summary of his 2014

"Also this year was filled with many happenings.
My father's funeral <-a very difficult event right from the beginning
The birth of my daughter <-She is so cute I feel like throwing up
The birth of my brother's son <-He is so cute I feel like throwing up
The birth of twins to my wife's brother <-They are so cute I feel like throwing up
I changed cars <-I was able to load it up with tons of stuff
I did many live performances <-I felt happiness in abundance
In brief this was how my year."
そして今年も色々とありました。 父の葬式。←のっけからメチャ大変… 娘の誕生。←可愛い過ぎて吐きそう… 兄貴の息子誕生。←同上 嫁の兄貴の双子誕生。←同上 車を買い替える。←荷物沢山積めた ライブ沢山した←幸せを沢山感じた ザックリこんな感じでしたww
— 青山英樹 (@aoyama_hideki) diciembre 30, 2014
"This year as well I received the love and support of so many different people. Thank you all so much. Next year I hope to polish up my abilities as the doting and indulgent parent drummer I am and do my very best.
Right out of the gates in the New Year I will be drumming away madly, please look favorably on my endeavors. With that I wish you a happy New Year!"
今年も本当にいろんな方々にお世話になりました。 ありがとうございます(>_<) 来年は親バカ子煩悩ドラマーとしてさらに磨きをかけて頑張りたいと思いますw 年明けからもビシバシ叩いて行きますのでよろしくお願いします(。-人-。) それでは皆さんよいお年を〜✨
— 青山英樹 (@aoyama_hideki) diciembre 30, 2014