BOH wrote another great blog post. This time the God Of Bass talks about his personal activities, his band Seki-Roma (more info here) and the new release by BABYMETAL "Live At Budokan", Kobametal, Kami Band, the girls and more. Read his full post translated courtesy of: Dokoiko.
BOH: "The most important is power of the fans to make it happen."

Hello everyone. It's BOH the representative of the balds all over the world (Hell, what's this?)
First, an event featuring me will be held at Kurosawa music instrument store in Ochanomizu on 31st in this month! At the event I will play my bass, advice on your buying a bass guitar and more to offer. I think it's an joyful event that has much to do. Good for me there's much applications to take a random selection.
Second, our band Seki Roma (Sekihan Roman Avenue) will begin to take premiere application on our official web site for our one man live at Akasaka Blitz on Aug 13. Please take consider it, too.
Third, Babymetal live CD ranked #3 on US Billboard chart. I say they did great. Hey, it's surprisingly great. Blu-Ray and DVD on sale on the same day ranked #1 on Oricon Japan. So I wrote the other day that Babymetal is going to be invincible, it seems to be coming true.
The power of Su-metal-San, Yuimetal-San and Moametal-San as an artist. The skill of Kobametal-San as a producer. The oneness of team Babymetal.
The most important is power of the fans to make it happen.
I'm strongly recognizing a joy of my bass play being listened by so many people.
I will never complain if I get bald now (too late).
It's also a chance that Kami Band plays for people overseas and let them know that Japanese musicians can play good as musicians in other parts of the world.
I rather play the bass aim to be top-tier as a session musician than a band one. For that I do my best not only for showing my egoistic play but also for let artists shine more. I hand my passion for music, songs and audiences to these artists. I support musicians to sing easier. I also play for Babymetal thinking that but Kobametal-San makes opportunities for us to shine good. He asked us to play a serious heavy sound. Also to appeal gorgeously and more to audiences.
It's a rare opportunity. Very rare.
Kami Band is made of high performance musicians who can play precisely. They all can play with top-tier musicians besides Babymetal. They can play best sound even if they play pops and other genres by their own names.
I played at lives with these people and a live disk of it gets high recognition. I feel very good as a musician. I get confident also feel responsible more.
I have a great session in Babymetal, my band Seki-Roma and MICHAEL of Mitsuru Matsuoka-san. I will go my six string bass road and play as hard as can in every opportunities I have.
Never miss it, you hot girls! (I'm turd)
I want to tell my soul to the young and the old, men and women, to all the people (too late for correction).
I will practice every day for a top-tier bald in Japan (better keep silent).
(B • o • H)