Sakura Gakuin reflections about the 1st #LoGiRL program

Sakura Gakuin shares their reflections after the first Sakura Gakuin appearence on #LoGiRL program (watch here). Moa, Yui, Yunano, Rinon, Hana and Mori-Sensei share their thoughts about the first program. Translations courtesy of Onji Kobe


Moa, Yui, Hana, Rinon, Yunano, and Mori-Sensei about #LoGiRL 

- Moa Kikuchi

"We're the first MC of LoGiRL=) We all were very nervous, and I felt hot in a tense Emoticono grin I hope we could convey our attractive feature to the viewers I appreciate your continued support!! I want to appear next week again!! Moa."

- Yui Mizuno

"Thank you for watching us. My heart had been beating so fast from the beginning till the end >< But, it was really fun. Next time, I'll do my best at trying to express my individuality. Third grader of junior high school, Yui Mizuno."

- Yunano Notsu

"I reflect upon myself that I talked as I do at our usual live performance and it might be difficult for viewers who saw us for the first time to understand. I will try to talk more intelligibly next time. Yunano."

- Hana Taguchi

"I appreciate your watching our program. I'm sorry that my face was drawn with tense at first and I didn't speak much. My reticence is the same as usual,though. I'm going to try even more active. Hana Taguchi."

- Rinon Isono

"As the first cast of LoGiRL I felt nervous. But it was very fun. We'll keep doing our best to let more people know about us Sakura Gakuin!! Isono."

- Mori-Sensei

"The remaining airtime turned NULL before I knew it.!! Next time, I want to lead them into showing higher appeal power coming from the individuality of each member!! Homeroom teacher, Hayashi Mori

In the left-hand on the margin with a Japanese elementary school's the-result-evaluation-stamp "Try a little bit more"