He first changed his artistic name from Leda Cygnus to FED Leda (read his biography here), and that lead his fans to a great expectation, now everything is confirmed after a couple of tweets and the official website of Far East Dizain the new Leda's band! Details about the band, first Single and first shows announced.
Far East Dizain announced 1st Single and live shows for 2015

The new Leda's band Far East Dizain was announced officially via Twitter, and also announced their first Single EP and several live shows for 2015.
Far East Dizain is composed by:
Keita on vocals
Leda on Guitar
Ryu on Bass
Sujk on Drums
Also the band announced on Twitter their first Single EP called "Dizainize" to be released on April 8 of 2015, more details to be announced in the following days.
In other annoucements the band released dates for their first shows, before and after the BABYMETAL World Tour, that means Leda will be playing with BABYMETAL during the new shows overseas (to be announced soon).
Far East Dizain following shows recently announced:
2015.04.18 - Far East Dizain presents 『Far East Gathering』
2015.07.03 - Jupiter × Far East Dizain presents 「Rapsodia Concertante」
2015.07.05 - Jupiter × Far East Dizain presents 「Rapsodia Concertante」
2015.07.11 - Jupiter × Far East Dizain presents 「Rapsodia Concertante」
For more details please visit: .fareastdizain.com
Please follow Leda on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FED_Leda and Far East Dizain on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FarEastDizain
FarEastDizain ようやく正式に情報が公開されました。 無所属新人、頑張ります‼︎
— Leda (@FED_Leda) January 31, 2015