Sakura Gakuin on #LoGiRL program of February 9. This time featuring, Yui Mizuno, Yunano Notsu, Rinon Isono and Ooga Saki. along with Mori-Sensei. After some techinical difficulties for viewers the program was succesful.
Sakura Gakuin on #LoGiRL with Yui, Yunano, Rinon, Ooga and Mori-Sensei

On #LoGiRL program, Sakura Gakuin had once again a nervous but always cute Third Grader Yui Mizuno at the lead along with the other Third Grader Yunano Notsu.
Sakura Gakuin played another "fill in the blank", they once again read some tweets from fans and viewers and also they tried to keep alive the "1 minute of Yui smiling" because of "kawaii face" (reference to episode 1, watch here).
Watch the full program courtesy of Poleosis.