The farewell messages of the Sakura Gakuin girls to Suzuka Nakamoto before her Graduation. The letters were published on the Suzuka Nakamoto Graduation Photobook released on April 15 of 2013. The deep, intimate and full of emotion messages from the girls on the Graduation Photobook are translated below courtesy of: YMJapan.
Sakura Gakuin farewell letters to Suzuka Nakamoto

- Horiuchi Marina
"To Su-chan ,Horiuchi Marina
We have been getting along, making sure the bond of twelve all the time from the spring to today. As I felt in my heart that each day piled up and generated the bond, Su-chan taught us important things we can’t appreciate enough. As the 2012 season started, we felt more responsibilities, and our feelings were disconnected to each other due to anxieties and the sense of crisis, still, you accepted our feelings as they were. You supported me with your bright and kind smile. I strongly hoped to help Su-chan with whatever it was and to build up Sakura Gakuin together. I understood the true meaning of “to support each other” for the first time through getting over many obstacles with Su-chan. Thank you very much for the bond and friendship. I’ll try my best so that Jr. High 2nd graders can advance to the next season, while succeeding the valuable teamwork Su-chan and your leadership forged. I’ll support the start of Su-chan’s dream with the unchangeable bond."
-Iida Raura
"Dearest Su, Raura
Congratulations on your graduation. I talked with Su- at the last live of Karen Girl’s for the first time. Since then, we took the Sakura Gakuin audition and performed as Sweet Sisters together. We have been together for a pretty long time. Rau loves Su-‘s singing style since I was in Minipati and has been admiring it all the time, like “I want to sing well like Su-“ We didn’t play around only you and me last year, but we played a lot this year. Su-‘s graduation gives me a strange feeling. Su- should do your best for your own dream after the graduation. Therefore Rau will also do my best on anything in front of me. I’ll become a reliable senior like Su-. The four Jr. High 2nd graders will cooperate and build up a wonderful Sakura Gakuin. I’m so glad to meet you and be with you in Sakura Gakuin. I appreciate Su-. Be my good friend all the time. Forever, I love you, Thank you."
-Sugisaki Nene
"To Su.
The day to write the letter comes again for this year. Moreover, I write to Su…. It’s strange. However I’ll write it in Nene’s way. I hope it touches you. As you already know, Nene has always been with Su. We met in the camp our agency held for the first time, Su was in 5th grade and Nene was in 4th . I was surprised how small your face was and fragilely slim you were. I can’t forget the impact. Soon after that, the lesson audition began. Since Su came from Hiroshima, you appeared only several times and couldn’t get used to it soon. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you then. Still Su talked to me a lot…. I was very happy. I’d like to be with you all the time, but I can’t say that anymore. I really appreciate Su, so as to I can’t thank you enough. I’ll say “congratulations” with smile at the end. My dearest friend, Thank you."
-Sato Hinata
"Big love to Su-san ,Sato Hinata
Congratulations on your graduation. Hinata met Su-chan at the Sakura audition for the first time. I remember Hinata was deeply moved then, “Amazing, how such a powerful and clear beautiful voice comes out from her slender body?” Since Hinata really loves Su-chan’s voice, I have been very happy to listen to it closely in lives and lessons. Honestly I feel lonely for your graduation from Sakura Gakuin, but I would be more excited because I hope Su-chan sends your voice to more people. I’ll support you all the time. Su-chan, thank you for treating Hinata with care so far. I’ll become more reliable and protect Sakura Gakuin, so don’t worry. Su-chan!! I love you."

-Mizuno Yui
"To Su-chan
Congratulations on Su-chan’s graduation. Mizuno Yui.
A year has passed from Ayami-chan and others graduated. Why does happy time end so fast? Though I feel happy that I can work with Su-chan as Babymetal…. Yui feels sad on Su-chan’s graduation from Sakura Gakuin. Yui is going to become Jr. High 2nd soon. I have to support the new Jr. High 3rd graders! I’m worried if Yui can make it. However, Yui will try my best to send what I have learned from the three graduates and Su-chan to younger members, so keep on giving me advice. Su-chan made us laugh with clumsy acts. On the other hand, you encouraged us when we were crying for regret at Sakura Gakuin festival with your smile, and has always led Yui reassuringly. It owes you we have Sakura Gakuin with full of individualities today. I’m glad Su-chan has been our president from the bottom of my heart. Truly truly thank you. I love you. Hug (laugh)."
-Kikuchi Moa
"Dear Su-chan ,Kikuchi Moa.
I’ll write this letter with lots of love to Su-chan who allows Moa, who can’t sleep alone, to sleep together. Although I have tried not to think about the graduation, the day is going to come soon. Thinking about many things make my heart tighten. Moa thought I wouldn’t feel sad that much as Babymetal was arranged to continue. However, it isn’t. We held the surprise party for Su-chan for a bonus DVD the other day. I cried bitterly even though it was before the graduation… Then I realized it IS sad. It is so painful not to meet Su-chan in Sakura Gakuin any more, who built up the 2012 season of Sakura Gakuin with great care. I have learned a lot from Su-chan. How wonderful to act with a full of individualities and how fun singing is. I wish I could fully send my indescribable feelings to Su-chan, not just saying thank you. I’d like to look after Su-chan’s graduation with smile this year. Though, I’m sorry if I cry. Let’s move ahead to another path together after tears. Friends forever…. I pray Su-chan becomes possible to ride a bicycle!”"
-Taguchi Hana
"Dear Nakamoto Suzuka-Sama ,Taguchi Hana
Su-san, congratulations on your graduation. You have really taken care of me all the time since befor Hana joined Sakura. I think Hana was the first to officially?? call Nakamoto Suzuka-Senpai “Su-san”. I’m proud of it. (laugh) In the early times, you always said to me “Hana-chan! You don’t need to use honorifics.” I learned the importance of putting everything into what you like, seeing the president Su-San’s cool attitude. By seeing Su-san’s back, I think Hana could grow a little too. Your voice, dance, great care for juniors, a bit clumsy acts, full smile, I love all of them. Please be Hana’s inspiration forever. I’ll rush to you right away when you call “Taguchi~”."
-Notsu Yunano
"To dearest Su-san , Notsu Yunano
“Congratulations on your graduation” Although I’m supposed to say that from my heart, Yunano’s heart is filled with sadness for Su-san’s leave from Sakura Gakuin. However, when you read this, Su-san should take a giant step to your own dreams and Yunano should welcome new transferred students and get a start as new Sakura Gakuin. Sakura Gakuin without Su-san… I can’t imagine that at all and I’m full of anxieties, but succeeding what Su-san has done and left to us, I’ll make effort to send them to the coming transferred students. I couldn’t say this until the last moment… “I love Su-san, and thank you, my heart is always with you even when we are apart.” Fly to your dream, Su-san!"
-Isono Rinon
"To Su-san ,Isono Rinon
Rinon appreciates Su-san a lot. Su-san, thank you to be nice to me since before Rinon joined Sakura Gakuin. As I said before, I have been respecting Su-san all the time. I was thinking your singing and dancing was cool before. After I joined Sakura Gakuin, I realized you’re not only singing and dancing but greatly caring. My image on Su-san became “perfect” Su-san has a lot of funny episodes as well. When I stayed the dormitory I was with Ayami-chan, Ayaka-chan, Airi-chan, Nene-Don and Su-san. Do you remember? Su-san taught me a lot of things. I thought Su-san is cool when you said “We can do this” at the huddle before every lives. I carefully keep the “Make our hearts one” card you gave us. Rinon loves Su-san’s smile, sweating (laugh) and singing."
-Ooga Saki
"To dearest Su-chan , Ooga Saki
When we met for the first time, I got nervous and couldn’t talk to you at all. Su-chan talked to me kindly and took photos with me. I was so happy. Thank you so much then. Though it’s been a short time, I think it’s a miracle I could join Sakura Gakuin which Su-chan belongs to. It would rank in the best 3 incidents in Saki’s life forever. The year with Su-chan and the lots of things Su-chan taught me are treasure for Saki. Just like Su-chan built up the new Sakura Gakuin of 2012 while succeeding its tradition, the remaining eleven will try hard to build up the new Sakura Gakuin. Thus don’t worry. Saki always supports Su-chan flying to your dream. Remember Sakura Gakuin in hard times. Thank you so much for a year. I love Su-chan."
-Sugimoto Mariri
"To Suzuka-chan ,Sugimoto Mariri
Congratulations on your graduation. ….honestly I don’t want you to graduate. I’ve been respecting Suzuka-chan since I was in Hiroshima, and finally I joined Sakura Gakuin. We slept together in the dorm and chat a lot with other members. You’ve gotten along with Mariri even though I’m three year younger… It’s full of memories… Thank you so far. Always love you. Suzuka-chan’s singing & cool Su-metal, I super admire both. I’ll keep on supporting you all the time. Big love."