BABYMETAL was once again highlighted on Kerrang Magazine, this time in the new issue released this week in the section "Rock Pioneers". BABYMETAL is considered on Kerrang Magazine a band interested in add some new sounds to the rock music. Article and scans below. Scans courtesy of The Thrawn.
BABYMETAL in "Rock Pioneers" of Kerrang Magazine

Kerrang Magazine did a report of the most interesting bands who were/are considered pioneers in the rock music devolping new sounds and new styles for rock. Along with BABYMETAL were featured bands as: Fall Out Boy, Bring Me The Horizon or the ex My Chemical Romance Gerard Way.
Here is the main content of the article, and below the scans.
"Some people are still scrating their hands over Babymetal, and that's perfectly okay. On one hand, it's certainly a strange, if not awkward sight, to see mid-teen Japanese pop idols invoke the kind of mosh-pits Machine Head are used to seeing. But on the other, doesn't their existence make the world of modern music that much more exciting?
No-one could have predicted their arrival, but it happened, deal with it. You could be forgiven for thinking these young prodigies of "The Fox God" stand as one of the metal's bigges hopes, exposing younger fans to heavier sounds and flying the flag proud on tour with Lady Gaga."