Another Fan Review in Newswire, but the first Fan Review about an album. This time is to introduce-celebrate-honoring the new Sakura Gakuin album "Kimi Ni Todoke" released just 3 days ago. Two Newswire members wrote a review of the Album with song impressions. Highly recommended to listen the album while are you reading to make it more enjoyable because the reviews are extensive. We hope you like it. Feel free to leave your comments below!
Newswire reviews the 5th Sakura Gakuin studio album "Kimi Ni Todoke"

Review by: Jake Harris from Dana Point in California, United States.
On March 18th, 2015, Sakura Gakuin released their 5th studio album: Kimi Ni Todoke on iTunes. This could be considered their most anticipated albums of all time, due to the surge of fans after BABYMETAL sharply rose to international fame in March, 2014. I, for one, was extremely looking forward to this album; and it completely lived up to my expectations. This is the last album for Moa Kikuchi, Yui Mizuno, Hana Taguchi, and Yunano Notsu. This album concludes Moa and Yui’s time at Sakura Gakuin and therefore we say goodbye to the last of the original members of SG.
Song impressions:
1: Mezase! Super Lady -2014 Nendo- (目指せ!スーパーレディー - 2014年度 –):
The album starts with the familiar track “Mezase Super Lady”. I have always loved this intro track, and I especially love this years’ due to the great introductions by the new members, Kurashima Sara and Okada Megumi. This track never fails to make me happy at any time, and I love seeing the members’ intros change with each year.
Rating: 9/10
2: Animarhythm (アニマリズム):
We first were able to hear this amazing song way back in July of 2014. It was released as a short MV on ciao girl TV. Ever since I heard it I was immediately hooked. It sets the theme for this whole album, which is that every song is extremely catchy. This songs instrumentals make you feel like your in a rainforest, and the hook will have you bobbing your head. I was happy to finally hear the full version!
Rating: 9/10
3: Heart no Hoshi (ハートの地球):
This song was the first single of the year for SG. It was also their first ever DVD single! It came out around October 2014 and introduced many people to SG. This song might be one of the catchiest songs you will ever hear. It also uses all the members very equally, giving many a shot at a solo. The thing that stood out to me on this song is that it showcases the Year 3’s awesome singing abilities. If you have not seen the music video, I suggest you go watch it.
Rating: 9/10

4: Spin In The Wind (Wrestling Club):
This song is tied with another for my favorite on the entire album. The Wrestling club is a new club consisting of Taguchi Hana and Isono Rinon. It was made specifically for Taguchi Hana due to the fact she is crazy about pro wrestling! The song features heavy guitar chords, a guitar solo, a great beat, a speaking intermission for the girls, and loud chants. This song is the heaviest SG song since “I J I”, which happens to be in the Top 3 of Hana’s favorite SG songs of all time ;) WHY wasn’t this club made sooner?!? HANA AND RINON, YOU ROCK!
Rating: 10/10
5: Tenshi to Akuma (天使と悪魔) (Baton Club - Twinklestars): This is a remake of a song made by the sub unit “Twinklestars” made in 2012. This features the new lineup of twinklestars: Moa Kikuchi, Yui Mizuno, Kurashima Sara, Notsu Yunano, and Yamaide Aiko. This remake is actually, in my opinion, better than the original. The instrumentals seem to be redone, and to me, they just sound better. The song is more well mixed, and the singing ability of the 5 girls is great.
Rating: 9/10
6: Hirari Kira Kira Yami Yami Museum (ヒラリ!キラキラ☆ヤミヤミミュージアム) (Cooking Club – Mini-Pati):
This is the last song for the most popular sub unit in SG (Besides BABYMETAL), Mini-Pati. This group is made up of 3 of the 4 graduating members: Yui, Moa, and Hana. This is their 5th song made after replacing the original 3 members of Mini Pati. It features the classic 8 bit beats that we hear in every mini-pati song, however you notice in this song how much the girls’ voices have improved. It is ever so catchy and at the same time makes me sad knowing that this is the last song we will hear from this awesome group.
Rating: 10/10
7: Piece De Check! (ピース de Check !) (Purchasing Club): I wasn’t too hyped for this song, but after listening to it, I was completely hooked. This jpop/jrock song is the first from the new sub-unit “Purchasing Club” consisting of members Notsu Yunano and Shirai Saki. This song’s rock vibe and awesome chorus make it very enjoyable. This also has arguably one of the catchiest choruses on the whole album, so be prepared to have this stuck in your head for a long time!
Rating: 9/10
8: Takaramono (宝物): This song is a bittersweet one. We all wanted to hear it, yet we didn’t (because we have to accept they are leaving)! This is the classic type of song featured on every SG album where the graduating members only sing. This song makes me happy knowing how much the girls’ vocal abilities have improved over the years, and how successful they will be in the future! I have to single out Hana in this one because her voice was awesome in this.
Rating: 10/10

9: Gokigen Mr.. Toropikarori (ご機嫌!Mr. トロピカロリー):
This songs instrumetals remind me of Karen’s Girls. It is a nice change of pace after you just listened to the symbolically sad song, Takaramono. This song is very happy and features my favorite
moment in the whole album, a very harmonic and great short solo by Ooga Saki about ¾ the way through the song.
Rating: 9/10
10: Aogeba Toutoshi ~From Sakura Gakuin 2014~ (仰げば尊し ~ from さくら学院 2014 ~):
This was the 2nd and final DVD single released for this new album. This song, produced by KenKen, adds a new sound to SG. This new sound is one you can bang your head to!!! The funky/hard rock instrumentals over this Graduation song is very exciting and new for SG. I also absolutely love the dance. This album/song is a new step for SG musically!!!!
Rating: 9/10
11: Sayonara Namida (さよなら、涙):
This song’s title translates to “goodbye tears”, but it does the exact opposite… This soft and sad song near the end of an album triggers a realization that the end of (what I think to be) the best year for SG is coming to a close. The piano in this song is amazing and I specifically love how many solos each girl gets in this one. Also, this features a very awesome guitar solo (a reoccurring theme in this album). This is a very very good song!
Rating: 10/10
12: Kimi ni Todoke (君に届け): This song and “Spin in the Wind” are my favorites on this album. I couldn’t think of a better way to close out this album. This song is the most familiar sound you will hear, it sounds like a mixture of all the past albums in one song. The song in my opinion is one of the best SG songs of all time. I can’t really explain it, but you will know once you hear it
Rating: 10/10
Overall Album rating (Warning: extremely biased due to the fact I completely love SG):
This album ties with Nendo 2012: “My Generation” as my favorite SG album. A perfect way to send off these amazing year 3’s! It has been a very fun year to be a SG fan due to all the streams, videos, and new fans! Sakura Gakuin delivers once again and I wish all the best to the amazing year 3’s and remaining members!
I hope you all enjoyed the album as much as I did!
Review by Maik Gianino, from Montevideo, Uruguay (South America).
This is my first album release as Sakura Gakuin fan, can't consider myself a "Fukei" yet.
I was waiting "Kimi Ni Todoke" because is the last album with Moa Kikuchi and Yui Mizuno (from BABYMETAL of course!) as members of the group, but also because is the first release for me. I really admire Suzuka Nakamoto, so basically i love everything she did, does, and will do in her career. My favorite Sakura Gakuin album is "My Generation" from Nendo 2012 and my first Sakura Gakuin songs are from that album too "My Graduation Toss", "Sakurairo No Avenue" and "Marshmasllow Iro No Kimi To". With that said, this is my review about the 5th Sakura Gakuin studio album.
Song impressions:
1: Mezase! Super Lady -2014 Nendo- (目指せ!スーパーレディー - 2014年度 –):
"Mezase!" is a great opener, that energy, that adrenaline is just perfect, but i felt like is softer than "Mezase! Super Lady" from "Kizuna". Something in the music is different. The version from "Kizuna" was loud, this one is probably a bit more softer to have a bond with the next song, which is basically a pop song and keep the bond with one of the most electronic songs by Sakura Gakuin to date., the third track.
2: Animarhythm (アニマリズム):
This song in particular was almost a new song for me besides was very famous between Fukei-Sans. I really like the keyboard leading the song. It's a classic Sakura Gakuin pop song, not full of energy, but with great vocals, awesome lyrics and beautiful rhythym. Very enjoyable.
3: Heart no Hoshi (ハートの地球):
Is hard to describe "Haato". When i heard the song back in October i thought "This album will be electronic, and very pop", also some friends agreed with me. Wasn't attracted by the song at first, but grew on my very much. At this point is one of my favorite songs of the album. The chorus lead by Moa is just perfect and once again the keyboard sound fits perfectly with vocals. Also the meaning of the song, for the Fukei-Sans, Fans and Sakura Gakuin members is very important, the message of the song is amazing too and don't forget the Music Video which is amazing, i hope you all give time to this song to analyze the details to see the awesomeness!

4: Spin In The Wind (Wrestling Club):
After "Haato", starts the Sub-Units segment. And with that the rock part of the album too. And that is one of the best things of the album, the dinamics of changing styles. First three songs with pop/electro vibes then rock with "Spin In The Wind", the Wrestling Club by Hana and Rinon. The instrumentals are amazing, about the vocals i have to be honest is very hard to listen Rinon's voice, is mostly Hana's song. Hana is to me the best voice of this Nendo 2014. And she show us that during the whole album. "Spin In The Wind" also has an incredible guitar solo, another gem of this album, no doubt.
5: Tenshi to Akuma (天使と悪魔) (Baton Club - Twinklestars):
Another re-issued version of a previous Sakura Gakuin song, Twinklestars now lead by Yui and Moa. The song sounds much better than he previous version. The guitar parts fit perfectly with the pop vibe of the song all the time, even the guitar solo it's very well edited to go left to right, right to left of your ears. If this song doesn't make you clapping with them you can't feel the song!
6: Hirari Kira Kira Yami Yami Museum (ヒラリ!キラキラ☆ヤミヤミミュージアム) (Cooking Club – Mini-Pati):
"Minipati" is my favorite Sub-Unit, not only because i love to eat. Also because Yui and Moa are there. If you are not related with Sakura Gakuin yet, i beg you to listen their songs. Mini Patissier intros are amazing, if you love video games, those intros will make you remember old games and those intros are sometimes part of the body of the song. The song is great but can't reach "Shanri Hannari Dorayaki Hime" from "Kizuna". What i really like of the song is the beat and the synths emulating the classic old video game sounds. Those are the reasons that would make this song my Minipati favorite in the future.
7: Piece De Check! (ピース de Check !) (Purchasing Club):
Last Sub-Units song of the album, and the rock is back. A classic J-Rock rhythm and vibe. Actually is one of my favorite songs of this album, the vocals are great. I'm very, VERY surprised by Yunano and Shirai Saki performance here. I hope Shirai can keep working on songs for the future on Purchasing Club without Yunano but with other . The song is amazing, the chorus is pure energy, the drums and guitars sound really good too, don't forget the guitar solo, one more to add to the list of guitar solos in this album. Please listen this song, is one of the best of the album and probably one of the Sub-Units best songs on Sakura Gakuin to me.
8: Takaramono (宝物):
With "Takaramono" is when everything starts to make you to remember that four great girls will graduate when the album ends. This song is sang by them, Moa, Yui, Hana and Yunano. The vocal performance is very well done even by Yui and Yunano who are not the best singers on Sakura Gakuin. Takaramono is another gem of this album, not energy on this one, but emotions, very enjoyable. The Nendo 2014 graduates song.

9: Gokigen Mr.. Toropikarori (ご機嫌!Mr. トロピカロリー):
Did you know what is "SKA"? Ska is a very popular genre here in South America, mostly on Argentina and Uruguay, very popular bands are doing SKA nowdays. And when you thought that Sakura Gakuin was only metal with "BABYMETAL", and J-Rock and J-Rock, SKA jumps from nowhere to make you realize how diverse is the Sakura Gakuin's music. Only if you don't like trumpets would be hard to love this song, i don't like trumpets but this song is happiness, are almost 4 minutes of smiling, another gem of this album. This song live will be amazing.
10: Aogeba Toutoshi ~From Sakura Gakuin 2014~ (仰げば尊し ~ from さくら学院 2014 ~):
"Aogeba Toutoshi", the graduation song in Japan. My first thoughts about the song were positive since the first second but i thought that would be a really sad song in terms of music (in a positive way). Because of the vocals and the melody sound like a emotive farewell but then, KenKen jumps (like in the Music Video) to add an incredible energy and the song changes 180º. Makes it one of the best Sakura Gakuin songs and to me the best song of the album. You can't say no to positive energy, and "Aogeba Toutoshi" is telling you that this four girls are graduating with energy, happiness, not forgetting the wisdom and history behind this song steeped in the hearts of every Sakura Gakuin fan and Fukei-San and of course on every Sakura Gakuin member.
11: Sayonara Namida (さよなら、涙):
This song is completely full of emotions. The sound of this song is another Sakura Gakuin's classic sound. All they have in store for fans is here. Beautiful melodies, emotive vocals, keyboards, great drums, guitars, guitar solos and of course heartbreaking lyrics, lyrics to make cry fans like me. This song is one of those to listen everyday, with "Aogeba Toutoshi" and "Kimi Ni Todoke" will go to my daily music at work, no doubt. Oh, and another guitar solo!
12: Kimi ni Todoke (君に届け):
Another Sakura Gakuin classic but improved, but classic at the end of the day. If you take a casual fan and makes him listen the first album "Message" or the second "Friends" and you tell him that this song is from those albums he will believe you, because "Kimi Ni Todoke" is not only the name of this awesome album, is also the DNA of Sakura Gakuin since the inception to the graduation of the last 2 original members, Yui and Moa. Is one of my favorite songs too, too many favorite songs right? Yes, this album is fighting (in a positive way) with "Kizuna" for the second spot on my favorite Sakura Gakuin albums. About this song, the vocals are amazing, the instrumentals are the classic SG J-Rock, the synth in the middle of the song acting like "the guitar solo" sounds very good and open the door to a vocal solo and then again to the chorus, that part of the song is magical. A great, GREAT closing song for this great album. A great closing song for this Nendo 2014, for this generation, a great closing song for Yui and Moa, and also for Hana and Yunano.
In overall, at first i thought this album would be weak because this is probably the first Nendo without a great vocalist, after Ayami and Suzuka, and then Marina/Raura, Sakura Gakuin felt the lack of a great singer, but Moa Kikuchi and Hana Taguchi in particular did an amazing job leading the vocals in this album. Deserves to be highlighted Ooga Saki too who will be a great singer in the future if she keeps working hard on her vocals. Instrumentally, this album it's at the same level with My Generation, pop here, rock there, both genres mixed on some songs, the music of this album is amazing. If you didn't heard the album yet, please support Sakura Gakuin and try to get this album, it is available on iTunes, Amazon JP, CD Japan, HMV Online, and in their official store Asmart.
Yui, Moa, we will miss you, but we will support Sakura Gakuin everyday \(^_^)/