After a long year of activities Sakura Gakuin Nendo 2014 ended and with this anew generation of members graduated, this time the BABYMETAL members
Moa Kikuchi and Yui Mizuno, along with Hana Taguchi and Yunano Notsu. Summary and report of the event
Moa Kikuchi and Yui Mizuno graduated from Sakura Gakuin!

Sakura Gakuin Nendo 2014 ended with a graduation full of emotions where the 3rd Graders Moa Kikuchi, Yui Mizuno, Hana Taguchi and Yunano Notsu graduated from this generation. "The Road To Graduation 2014 Final" took place at NHK Hall in Shibuya, Tokyo.
The Graduation Event started with long lines for Merchandise, first for VIP ticket users where they were able to get the new Sakura Gakuin Nendo 2014 Graduation Photobook with hand written autograph by the 3rd Graders and then for Regular ticket users. The attendees were in line very early to buy the new Graduation Ceremony merchandise. Both Fukei-San women and men we wearing gala costumes on behalf of respect and gratitude for the Graduation Ceremony. Also were spotted several Fukei-Sans wearing the new and old Sakura Gakuin outfits. After 2 hours of waiting outside the doors were open, and 1 hour later Graduation Ceremony started as expect at 17:00 Japanese Time. The sold out event had a 19 songs Setlist for the Sakura Gakuin's performance with also the expected Graduation Ceremony in the encore of the Set.
The Touji speech was in hand of Moa Kikuchi the Student Council President Of Sakura Gakuin for Nendo 2014. Kikuchi mentioned that the Sakura Gakuin dreams still living in the 3rd Graders even if they not continue. Also in tears Moa said that they feel really the warm support of everyone. In addition Moa mentioned BABYMETAL, and thanked the support received while she as "Moametal" and Yui as "Yuimetal" were member of the group during their stay on Sakura Gakuin, and they will support Sakura Gakuin now as BABYMETAL members.
In the other hand, who was in charge of the Souji speech was, Rinon Isono. Isono was the representative of the Kouhai (Juniors) expressing the appreciation to the Third Graders, Moa, Yui, Hana and Yunano.
In the Graduation Ceremony were present all the Sakura Gakuin graduates: Airi, Ayaka and Ayami from Nendo 2011, Suzuka Nakamoto and Mariri Sugimoto from Nendo 2012, Marina Horiuchi, Iida Raura, Hinata Sato and Nene Sugisaki from Nendo 2013.
卒業生全員揃いました (´-`).。oO(森先生もね😀 こんなにいると、騒がしいのです笑
— 佐藤日向 (@satohina1223) March 29, 2015
さくら学院2014年度お疲れ様でした✨ 自分が卒業してから1年経つなんて… 4人キラキラしてて、みんな悔いがないって言ってました♡みなさんのおかげです! ありがとうございました😊 2015年度のさくら学院も よろしくお願いします💕
— 飯田來麗 (@iidaraura) March 29, 2015
— 武藤彩未 (@_mutoayami_) March 29, 2015
Also members of the BABYMETAL's Kami Band went to the Sakura Gakuin Nendo 2014 Graduation Ceremony featuring Takayoshi Ohmura, Mikio Fujioka and Yuya Maeta. Hideki Aoyama went to the previous Graduation Event "Be Ambitious, Memorial Summit"
素晴らしい卒業式でした。みんなと感動を連れてお食事🍴 #さくら学院
— 大村孝佳@3/21 名古屋NSM (@TakayoshiOhmura) marzo 29, 2015
(T . T)今日はええモン観させてもらえました。とりあえず祝杯なう。 帰って天婦羅うぃる。
— 藤岡幹大/個人レッスン再開中 (@mikio158cm) marzo 29, 2015
さくら学院の卒業式に行かせて頂きました。 本当に楽しかった!卒業生の皆さん、おめでとう! 終演後、久々のメンツでの食事も楽しかった(^_^)ムラッチはやはり自分のツボなんだと再確認w #さくら学院
— 前田遊野 (@yuya_maeta) marzo 29, 2015
さくら学院を観にO-EASTに行って来ました! 2人が卒業する前に観れて良かった…。 (つд`) メンバー皆さん素晴らしいステージでした。 感無量です。 沢山パワー頂きました!(`・д´・ ;)/
— 青山英樹 (@aoyama_hideki) marzo 26, 2015
In addition to all of these, the Sakura Gakuin 3rd Graders received the special message books wrote by fans all over the world and delivered by the Twitter User "Lempicka_", also
the girls received gifts from media sites like HOTWAVE.
🌸🌸メッセージ書いてくださった皆様本当にありがとうございました。さくら父兄一同からとして無事本日プレゼントボックスに贈りました🎁🎀 #sg0329
— / \ (@Lempicka__) marzo 29, 2015
🌸🌸海外から頂いたメッセージのアルバムには、翻訳したメッセージのハイライトを書いて貼りました。 #sg0329
— / \ (@Lempicka__) marzo 29, 2015
DDT→さくら学院でした。 最愛ちゃんと由結ちゃんがいたから、さくら学院に出会えました。そんな二人の卒業…感慨深いものがあります。 これからも卒業、在校生ともに応援していきたいと思います☆卒業おめでとう☆
— HOT WAVEスタッフ (@hot_wave3) March 29, 2015
01-Mesaze Super Lday
02-School Days
03-Hello Ivy
04-Gokigen Mr. Toropikaori
05-Aogeba Tootoshi
06-Tenshi No Akuma
07-Spin In The Wind
08-Peace The Check
09-Mini-Pati medley
10-Sleep Wonder
11-Planet Episode 008
12-Heart No Hoshi
13-Manseikei Silhouette
15-My Graduation Toss
16-Kimi Ni Todoke
17-Yume Ni Mukatte
18-Tobidachi No Hi Ni
19-See you
Photos below courtesy of Oricon Style and unknown sources.
Report by: Maik Gianino and Hitoshi Sugioka.
Sources: Headlines Yahoo, Sakura Gakuin and Official Twitter accounts (embedded above).