The last diaries are arriving and Yunano Notsu was the first of the graduates from Nendo 2014 to share her last diary on Sakura Gakuin. Very emotive message for Sakura Gakuin members, staff and teachers and also a big thank you to Fukei-Sans.
Diary translated by Onji Kobe.
Yunano's last diary on Sakura Gakuin: Titled "Yunano Notsu"

Hello! It's Yunano.
The graduation ceremony ended. And this is my last diary post. It is very sad.
Having joined Sakura Gakuin made me realize how wonderful it is to have friends whom I can heartily believe in.
It's really good to have friends to laugh together on silly things, or to consult some problems with each other,
We've spent a lot of time together and I sometimes clashed with other girls over something. But the days 10 of us made efforts toward a single goal are so precious treasures for Yunano.
And. Fukei-sans, you have gently watched over us growing up! I can't thank more. I want to give you 'the Biggest-ever Thank You'!!
And, I'm sorry for my spitting too much venom. m(_ _)m
But, because you had warmly accepted such Yunano, I could have spend fulfilling three years.

These three years might have been a short while in my long life...but I'll never ever forget those happy moments when I met with and was supported by so many Fukei-sans, members, Mori-Sensei, teachers and staffs!!!
I shall keep trying my best after graduation, making the best use of experience in Sakura Gakuin.
Please look forward to seeing the 'Yunano-Gap'.
Thank you very much for your support in these three years.
Please keep supporting Sakura Gakuin in 2015 Nendo.
2014 Nendo graduate,
The second Talk Chairperson,
Notsu Yunano.
Yunano -- I love you so much!!!