BABYMETAL was interviewed on Bits Lounge from Canada to talk about the BABYMETAL World Tour 2015 and their second World Tour show in Canada to take place next May 12 at The Danforth Music Hall in Toronto. Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal talk about their past experience in Canada, the experience in the artRave Tour with Lady Gaga, the Kitsune-Singe and much more. Don't miss the full interview translated below!
BABYMETAL about Heavy Montreal, Lady Gaga, stuffed toys and notebooks!

Please introduce yourselves.
"SU-METAL death, YUIMETAL death, MOAMETAL death. We (are)... BABYMETAL DEATH!"
Su-Metal: "We are a fusion of metal and idol, formed with the aim of being not (just) the number one, but the only one. 'BABYMETAL' is a new genre so we aim at being the only one."
First of all, tell us your present state of mind, before the world tour starting the 9th of May in Mexico City.
Su-Metal: "About the world tour, (after last year) this will be the second one, but this time there are shows in cities and countries we never visited before, including Mexico City, Chicago, Toronto, so I guess many people will see us for the first time.
In last year's tour, in various cities and countries we discovered different reactions from the crowd. We can't wait to discover in which way they will get excited this time"

Last year, the fact that you performed as support act for Lady Gaga in America gained a lot of attention, please tell us some anecdote.
Yuimetal: "When we did the opening act for Lady Gaga, it was a big venue so we were nervous. Lady Gaga watched our performance from the side of the stage, she was really friendly. An episode I remember particularly, when we went to Lady Gaga's dressing room she received us kindly, and she told us to keep doing our best, this left an impression on me"
After the 5 dates with Lady Gaga, the big heavy metal festival 'Heavy Montreal' was your first performance in Canada, what are your impressions of Canadian fans?
Moametal: "I heard there were roughly 40000 people in the audience, I remember it was a really big place. People who watched our performance for the first time too, song after song they did the kitsune sign together for us... I thought: 'they are interested in BM' and I was happy"
At events like overseas festivals there's a great number of veteran artists, so I think you had many chances to watch them performing. Who would you like to perform with in the future?
Moametal: "We would like to perform with Metallica. Our music is metal, and also last year, after the festival in the UK, we had the chance to meet them at Heavy Montreal as well... I think a collaboration on the same stage would be nice, absolutely."
You mentioned the 'fox sign' earlier, what's the origin of BABYMETAL's trademark Kitsune hand sign?
BABYMETAL: (laugh)
Su-Metal: "During a dance lesson, our teacher told us to do the 'horns' hand gesture, and we were shown pictures, but at that time we didn't know about metal at all. Therefore, when we saw the picture we said: 'ah, it's a fox!' and we started doing the kitsune sign, so our teacher said 'let's go with the fox sign?' and then it was established. At lives overseas, at first the fans were doing the horns sign, but gradually they changed it to the kitsune sign, and seeing that makes me really happy."
Do you communicate with foreign fans in English?
Yuimetal: "Everyone addresses us in English a lot, but I still can't speak English at all... now I'm studying. I am working hard, because I would like to be able to communicate with fans in English as soon as possible"
Which song gets the most enthusiastic response from the crowd, in overseas performances?
Moametal: "The song that gets the best response changes according to the country, but I feel that 'Ijime, Dame, Zettai' cannot be left out. At the hook of the song, while doing the Kitsune sign, we perform the 'dame jump', and the audience does it together with us. I feel the whole place becomes as one body. When that song begins, I feel excited"

Are there things each of you always brings, when touring overseas?
Su-Metal: "Yuimetal and Moametal take stuffed toys and often play, but as for me I always take a notebook. When I go abroad, every time there are new meetings and I can see different scenery, leaving a note I want to keep these memories with me. Like a sort of diary."
From the start of your activities, after a short time a world tour became reality. Tell us your future objectives.
Su-Metal: "In the blink of an eye we were able to hold performances abroad, we can't believe this ourselves. However, there are still lots of people who don't know us, I wish everyone could get to know BABYMETAL more"
Finally, please send a message to the fans who are looking forward to the show in Toronto.
Moametal: "It's the first time we go to Toronto and we want to deliver our good quality as usual"
Yuimetal: "It's been a long time we haven't performed live, therefore we want to make the most of all the things we discovered and learned in the overseas lives we made till now. I think if we can perform as we always do, and like in rehearsals, most likely even foreigners will get interested. So with faith in all members and staff, I wish we will be able to show our full power."
Su-Metal: "The response at last year's live in Montreal was really amazing, even now I keep this memory. I wonder if the reaction will be different again in Toronto, but I have this feeling... speaking of Canada, it has totally an image of good mood, therefore when I think 'I'll be able to meet fans who easily get in such a good mood' I really, really, look forward to this. There are different cities, but when it comes to live shows I think each time is different, so we really look forward to seeing which kind of live it will become"
Translation by: Gakushabaka