BABYMETAL was interviewed by the Mexican Site Notimex to talk about their first show in Mexico on May 9, their experience in Mexico, the BABYMETAL music, metal music including an incredible phrase by Moametal and their hard rehearsals for the World Tour show in Mexico. Read the interview translated below.
BABYMETAL interviewed on Notimex about their first show in Mexico

The Japanese teen trio arrives tonight at Circo Volador
Mexico, May 9 (Notimex) - Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal, members of the trio of Japanese teenagers BABYMETAL, created in 2010, will be tonight for the first time in the country, where they will show their talent and their music, which it has led them to be considered a phenomenon around the world.
"Actually watch we really thing is that we created a new music genre called BABYMETAL, because is a fusion of metal and idol music that has a lot of pop too and that is what we want to be, is our hallmark." Said Yuimetal, of 15 years old.
And even though none of them are elderly, the band formed in 2010 with help of the producer Kobametal and always under the wishes of his spiritual guide the "Fox God" (Kitsune-Sama), who they revere and which they leave their future and with whom they conquered Youtube with songs like "Gimme Chocolate" or "Megitsune".
"We have been in too many countries and places and it makes us believe in a god, because the Fox God reveals things that we never imagined and that we never thought experiencing, so we believe that there is a god there." said Su-Metal of 17 years old, who along with her fellow choir she assembled accurate to say: "Only that Fox God knows", before questioning their future plans.

"The most important issue of what we do is that it's something very different, nobody is doing anything like it and we hope that many more kids of our age be interested in our music and obviously in metal", said Moametal of 15 years old.
The group of girls who only speak Japanese and responded to questions through an interpreter in English, smiling and dressed with outlandish outfits in black and red, and some leather gloves, reveal even with the innocence in their eyes the seeking to captive the Mexican audicience.
"This is our second world tour, in the first time we toured many countries and experienced many different things but in this second tour we come to Mexico, a place where we have never been and we are very excited and we don't know what we should expect and what kind of fans are coming but we are very excited and we love the country so far."
On their presentation tonight at Circo Volador, Yuimetal said: "Obviously we have been rehearsing a lot, dancing and singing and something very important is that we are going to play a new song and this theme has a message to open a new pattern so it's very symbolic, but we have been practicing hard to be in front of the Mexican people."
Translation by: Maik Gianino.