Our reporter from Japan, Ken Tabise did a summary and analysis of the latest Amuse financial result of fiscal year 2014 focused on the business aspects of BABYMETAL and the influence of the band on Amuse Inc. This is a highly recommended post for those interested in numbers, and for those fans interested in the other face of the band. Read the report below.
Amuse released the financial result of fiscal year, 2014

On May 14, 2015, Amuse released the financial result of fiscal year, 2014 (4/1/2014 - 3/31/2015).
Not many of you are interested in the business aspects of BABYMETAL and Amuse Inc. as it is boring usually, however, we can read some key messages and see their business perspective from the numbers and stuff.
Here is a list of financial numbers and some comments from the management team of Amuse Inc.
In a nutshell, BABYMETAL is now positioned as a strategic artist who gives substantial impact on Amuse Inc. - the girls are now definitely an imperative part of backbone or corner stone of Amuse.
Thanks to BABYMETAL and other major artists, Amuse is in a very good shape in terms of business in FY 2014.
Numbers on consolidated basis as of 3/31/2015
(Note: 1 M JPY = 0.00743 M EUR = 0.00829 M USD as of May 19)
Operating Income
39,208 M JPY (+ 5,437 M JPY or + 16.1% as compared with FY 2013.)
Operating Pofit
3,924 M JPY (+ 280 M JPY or + 7.7%)
Net Profit
2,671 M JPY (+ 465 M JPY or + 21.1%)
Retained Earnings
16,820 M JPY (+ 2,348 M JPY or + 16.2% Wow ! Shareholders may not be so happy with this though.
In the general situational update in the report, World Tour of BABYMETAL is specifically referred. Contribution of BABYMETAL during fiscal year 2014 appears to be quite significant.
In the discussion of artist management business, BABYMETAL's concerts in September. 2014 and January. 2015 are specifically referred. Both income and profit of artist management business unit increased in fiscal year 2014.
-Estimation for Fiscal Year 2015
Operating Income
41,700 M JPY (+ 6.4% as compared with FY 2014)
Operating Pofit
4,300 M JPY (+ 9.6%)
Net Profit
2,820 M JPY (+ 5.6 %)
The report mentions that, on a long-term basis, it is assumed that the 2020 Olympic Game in Tokyo will provide Amuse artists with some opportunities as international attention on Japan will increase.
On May 20, Amuse had an analyst meeting for financial institutions to explain further details of the fiscal year 2014 result.
On June 28, Amuse will hold a shareholders meeting. It is expected that some of the Amuse artists would perform there.
BABYMETAL performed on a Sharedholders meeting held by Amuse on June 23, 2013 at Ryōgoku Kokugikan, Tokyo, Japan.
For more details please visit THIS LINK.