New Sakura Gakuin online program on #LoGiRL, week number 16. This time featuring the Student Council President Rinon Isono algon with Ooga Saki, Mirena
Kurosawa and Mori-Sensei. They introduced the new Sakura Gakuin members Soyoka Yoshida and Kano Fujihira! Watch
the full program below!
New Sakura Gakuin program introducing Soyoka and Kano!

New Sakura Gakuin program on LoGiRL, the last one of the introduction series. This time featured the introduction of the new Sakura Gakuin Nendo 2015
transfered members Soyoka Yoshida and Kano Fujihira. Also this show featured the President Rinon Isono, Ooga Saki and the second program for
Mirena Kurosawa.
The popular new member Soyoka shower her charm during her first LoGiRL program.
Watch the new program courtesy of our collaborator MissingReel and don't forget to [cc] options to read with on screen translation chat during the program.