BABYMETAL was featured on the morning program ZIP TV from Japan about their performance at the Tokyo Metropolitan Rock Festival 2015. The girls were interviewed to talk about their expectation before the show and what is the key for their success over the stage around the world. Read the full interview below.
BABYMETAL about Tokyo Metropolitan Rock Festival 2015 on ZIP TV

The center of attention at the METROCK Festival was the Metal Dance unit, BABYMETAL. We talked with these girls who are right smack in the middle of their World Tour, BABYMETAL.
Su-Metal: "It has been a logn time we have performed at a Festival in Japan. We are really excited envisioning just what kind of Festival it will turn out to be."
Moametal: "When we perform overseas we get a lot of fans who ride on top of the others."
Su-Metal: "We get a bit worried."
Yuimetal: "Yeah, we really worry about that, right?"
We asked BABYMETAL who are performing at a domestic Festival for the first time in a long time what is their key to success at these events.
Su-Metal: "Without fail, before we go on stage we huddle together and we talk amongst ourselves saying let's do things as we always do. We have learned that if we do things in our usual BABYMETAL way the fans will receive us appropriately as fans of BABYMETAL. And as we promise each other that we will do our performance as we always do."
Translation by: Thomas Malone.