BABYMETAL won their second international Award on the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards 2015, the "Breakthrough Award" against bands like Halestorm, The Amity Affliction, Bury Tomorrow and In This Moment. Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal did a brief speech during the Award Ceremony and performed with Dragonforce "Road Of Resistance" and "Gimme Chocolate". Check the photos and the rest of the report below.
BABYMETAL win the "Breakthrough Award" 2015

BABYMETAL won their second International Award on the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards 2015 held at IndigO2 in London, England. The Award Ceremony was hosted by the "Metal God" Scott Ian from Anthrax who presented the band and mentioned that the only band smaller than him in the ceremony was BABYMETAL, he also said that "We are old, we all are old, well, BABYMETAL are not so old".
BABYMETAL received the "Breakthrough Award" 2015 on the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards winning over bands like Halestorm and In This Moment. In the speech Suzuka Nakamoto Su-Metal thank to Metal Hammer, their fans and the FOX GOD and said that the band will return to United Kingdom in August.
On your left The Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards 2015 Part One of the Ceremony featuring Scott Ian (Anthrax), Gene Simmons (Kiss), Brian May (Queen) and many more rock/metal artists. At the minute mark 08:55 was featured BABYMETAL with the girls receiving the "Breakthrough Award" and the speech of Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal.
The live performance is not included in this video, but Metal Hammer announced that a special of the even will be released.
Check their live performance with BABYMETAL featuring Dragonforce performing "Road Of Resistance" and "Gimme Chocolate":
Below the albums of photos of the event featuring photos with artists, photos of the Award Ceremony and speech, photos of the performance featuring Metal Hammer and Peach Galea and official photos of the girls with the Award courtesy of Chiaki Nozu, and