Watch the new Sakura Gakuin online program on #LoGiRL, this was the program number 20 on LoGiRL and featured the third grader Shirai Saki as
leader also with the new members and Mori-Sensei. Watch the full program below.
Sakura Gakuin on #LoGiRL, program number 20

Sakura Gakuin program on LoGiRL, program number 20 lead by Shirai Saki along with Kano Fujihira, Momoko Okazaki and Maaya Aso with the great Mori-Sensei as always as MC.
In this program #20 Shirai did a great work leading the new member who were very talkative. Don't miss the introduction of Mori-Sensei, their games and more!
Watch the full show below!