BABYMETAL was in the front page of the very poplar Japanese Magazine "AERA". The issue was published on June 29 featuring a brief interview with Su-Metal, Moametal, Yuimetal and Kobametal to talk about the idea of the concept of the band from the beginning when was the "Heavy Metal Club" on Sakura Gakuin and the future plans of them. Scans and interview translated below.
BABYMETAL on AERA Magazine Front Page, Interview and Scans

"Every time we do the show, I feel we are beyond the limit." says Su-Metal.
There are no genre or borderlines for them. Idol, metal, Japan, the world, they swallow everything and go beyond.
Honestly saying, they didn't know what metal music was when they formed "Ju-onbu(heavy music club) BABYMETAL". Su-Metal, the vocal, was in the first year of junior high school, and YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL, taking the scream/dance, were still the fifth grader of elementary school.
"I knew Kei-on(light music - pops) but had no idea of Ju-on. I seriously thought I have to pump up a dumbbell" (laughs). Moametal
Their key concept is "fusion of idol and heavy metal" which easily become worst acts without maintaining a balance between idol fans that want the purity and metal fans that hate flirts.
However, the producer Kobametal had one idea. “Metal music had formed a unique music scene nowadays with so many subgenre such as L.A. metal or death metal. So I thought we could become one of a kind with the dancing-to-the-metal-sound style”.
And he strikes a mine. Showing exquisite choreography surfing over the variety of sounds crossing over thrash metal, melodic speed metal, core metal, EDM and dubstep, that played by a back band of superb techniques.
The one and only performance attracted even rock fans overseas. The act they did in UK’s famous metal festival is already a legend that made 65,000 audiences into excitement.
"At first people looked us like "What the heck?" but then people having fun spread from the first row, second row, third row and wider as our song went on. At the end everyone was doing the Kitsune sign and I was so impressed with the feel of approve”.
Well then, what are they willing next?
"National tour! Because we want to eat yummy things of Hokkaido!." Yuimetal
The girls are really driving in the music scene now.
Translated by: kettenkraftrad
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