On June 24 Coca-Cola FM from Mexico did a 70 minutes special about BABYMETAL including a raw interview made by the presenter before the show in Mexico at Circo Volador in May. The special program includes a J-Rock specialist. and Idol Fan and a BABYMETAL Fan member of BABYMETAL Fans Mexico and also member of BABYMETAL Newswire as special guest to talk about BABYMETAL and help audience to understand the project.
BABYMETAL speaks about meeting Kirk Hammet from Metallica on Coca-Cola FM

Through the show, they ask the fans how they first came into contact with the band. The idol fan relates he has known them since Sakura Gakuin was formed, while the J-Rock specialist remarks how the participation of Leda and Takayoshi in the Kami Band led her to pay attention to them. The BABYMETAL fan came into contact with them after Gimme Chocolate was released.
The tallk goes to discuss the reaction of the heavy metal community to BABYMETAL and the support they've had from bands lilke Carcass, Kiss, Opeth, etc. At request of the fans, they play Road Of Resistance and Akumu no Rondo, which lead to very positive Twitter responses from listeners who were skeptic of the band.
Then the Interview comes up, here it's a summary/transcription (you can listen the interview only in the second audio below).
The audio of the interview it's not the best plus the presenter constantly talks over the recorded audio which makes it very annoying for the listener, however we edited the audio to make it more friendly and also we did the following transcription to help you understand the interview.
Interviewer ask how complex is the process of preparing a show?
Moametal said that when they started as BABYMETAL they had to learn how to headbang.
Interviewed asked about meeting artists and bands.
Su-Metal said they went to so many Festivals and met so many bands, and sometimes watched them on stage and then met them on backstage and it's an awesome experience.
Interviewer asked how was the experience meeting Metallica.
Su-Metal said that the first time they met Kirk (Hammett) like 3 years ago (actually 2 years ago, probably Nora the translator got confused) in Japan, they were so new that they have to introduce themselves and they were like "Woow Metallica". But last year at Heavy Montreal in Canada, Kirk came up to them to say "Hi" to them, and they look up to him and was amazing for them.
Then, after the presenter and the guests talk about Summer Sonic and Heavy Montreal and the girls meeting Kirk Hammet. The presenter makes mention that she attended to the interview with a Cannibal Corpse dress and the girls recognized the Cannibal Corpse design of the dress and congratulated her for the dress too.
She emphasized the humility of the girls about this.
The interviewed asked about the future after the North American Tour.
Of course the girls said: "Only that Fox God knows".
Finally the interviewer asked for a final message to the fans in Mexico.
Su-Metal said the message in english:
"The most important part of BABYMETAL is the performance and we are excited to be in Mexico for the first time. We can't wait to be onstage for our
fans." (At the end of the second audio)
Coca-Cola FM BABYMETAL Special, full program (includes interview):
Coca-Cola FM interview with BABYMETAL only:
After the interview, the host of the show discusses the heavy entourage BABYMETAL brought with them to the interview and makes and both her and the Jrock specialist remark how many japanese bands operate in the same way. The show goes on to talk about the atmosphere during the show, where they discuss the juncture of different kinds of fans, with idol fans not knowing the songs played before the show and metal fans confused at watching people in cosplay at the venue, but in the end everyone having a great time.
End of the show.
Thanks to our member Daniel Fuentes (the BABYMETAL Fan in the program) for the audio.