Released today in United Kingdom, and released last week online, the first Metal Hammer Magazine with BABYMETAL on the Front Page, here are the scans of the amazing Metal Hammer Summer Issue 273 with a great number of pages featuring BABYMETAL. Check the scans below!
BABYMETAL featured on the new Metal Hammer Magazine, issue 273

The new Metal Hammer Magazine, Summer Issue 273 features BABYMETAL on the Front Cover but also includes an incredible 72 hours report while the band was in United Kingdom for Download Festival and Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards. The report goes through the meetings with Dragonforce, backstage at Download, rehearsals before Golden Gods performance including interviews with Kobametal, Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal, making mention to Nora (BABYMETAL translator) and Kami Band.
In addition this issue includes a Kitsune-Mask (FOX GOD Mask), 16 Wallpapers and a 15 Tracks CD.
Check the scans below courtesy of our member: Andy Greenwood!
Remember you can get the new Metal Hammer's issue in Stores now and also the online version on iTunes Store!
Please support BABYMETAL buying this Magazine to show the world how important they are to us, their fans, THE ONE!