Another part of the great interview of the music site Loudwire with BABYMETAL girls, Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal. This time they talk about their feelings of opening for Lady Gaga in United States and also meeting Metallica and discovering what Su-Metal described as "heart of metal". Watch the interview below.
BABYMETAL interview about Meeting Metallica and Opening for Lady Gaga

From Loudwire:
Imagine being able to meet Metallica or open for Lady Gaga at stadium shows while still in your teenage years. BABYMETAL have done just that, crossing the pop/metal barrier and becoming one of the most wildly successful acts of the 2010s.
We were thrilled to meet Su-metal, Moametal and Yuimetal, the three extremely charming young women who have led BABYMETAL for the past five years. Along with an in-depth interview and round of ‘Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?‘, we spoke to the girls about some thrills they experienced in 2014.
When we asked BABYMETAL about opening for Lady Gaga, Su-metal actually answered the entire question in English, explaining how the girls were nervous at first, but how fans opened up to the act once BABYMETAL hit the stage.
As for Metallica, Su-metal explains how BABYMETAL discovered the “heart of metal” through the thrash veterans while meeting them face-to-face and witnessing the band perform while traveling internationally.
Original post taken from Loudwire.
Watch the interview below.