Oricon Style wrote a very interesting report about BABYMETAL Kami Band (the metal band behind BABYMETAL girls). The report highlights BOH (God Of Bass), Hideki Aoyama (God Of Drums) and Takayoshi Ohmura, Leda and Mikio Fujioka (Gods Of Guitar). Read the report about why Oricon thinks Kami Band helps BABYMETAL's popularity overseas. Translation below.
The presence of Kami Band is backing the popularity of BABYMETAL overseas

Besides the success of solo live at Makuhari Messe in Chiba City, which is part of their world tour and a triumphal return, BABYMETAL also received the BREAKTHROUGH AWARD, an award presented to artist who take a big leap in that year, from METAL HAMMER, a long-established metal music magazine in England. BABYMETAL keep making rapid strides in their home land and overseas. Their charm has already been mentioned many times in other media, but for their success in breaking the boundary of girl group and obtaining support from core metal friends around the world, no doubt that a big credit goes to the Kami Band which is formed by brilliant musicians. I guess this band who are backing the girls on stage will once again be under the spot light.
-KAMI BAND’s outlook is basically monotone white make-up and white clothing
The stage of BABYMETAL compose of Su-Metal who use her powerful vocal to sing those difficult songs, Yuimetal and Moametal who deliver high quality dance, and Kami Band which are all brilliant musicians. They together spread out high degree of entertainment. Being summoned to be the incarnation of Fox God, members of Kami Band are all top and true heavy metal musicians. in order to present the BABYMETAL’s music fusion elements of thrash metal, black metal, metal core and grindcore, superior technique is definitely required.
In addition, they also need to present the view of world in this project visually on stage (Kami Band’s outlook is basically monotone white make-up and white clothing). Band members who could satisfy all these requirements are of course a big driving force behind BABYMETAL’s world breaking. In overseas live, the girls are of course getting big cheers, in fact, members of KAMI BAND are also getting big cheers too.

-Kami Band is formed by top musicians in Japan
First of all, the bassist BOH, who seems like leader of the band. He has been involved in NANA starring Mika Nakashima and a band called Binecks which is leaded by guitarist Daita (ex. SIAM SHADE). There are only very few 6 string bass players in Japan, his unmatched play are not only backing the sound of BABYMETAL, but his flashy solo with slap and right hand play are also attracting lots of attentions.
Then, here comes the guitarists, Takayoshi Ohumra, Leda and Mikio Fujioka. Ohmura is also backing Marty Friedman and LIV MOON and is well known for his high speed and beautiful play style (The first time I saw him, he was in a Jazz-Funk band called DCPRG which is leaded by Kikuchi Naruyoshi and I was overwhelmed by his super high speed play). Leda has been in Deluhi, TM Revolution, and also joined the back on stage live show of DAIGO☆STARDUST. BABYMETAL absorbed the decent look and elements of different metal branches starting from the 90s and their play made the audience go nuts.
The drummer is Aoyama Hideki. Hideki’s father, Aoyama Jun (1957-2013) was a famous drummer. Hideki started his career in JAM Project where high performance quality is required, then he joined Kami Band in 2012. Crazy speed beat and killing acoustic pressure is obviously needed in BABYMETAL ’s play.
-Players showing their characters and senses
BABYMETAL also received high motivation from Kami Band members. leader BOH wrote in his blog “BABYMETAL is growing fast and being able to work in this project, to me, hardly anything can replace this valuable experience.”, “Non-stop growing, always serious and challenge things with sincere attitude, from the bottom of my heart I deeply respect Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal" I think with respect to the girls and showing their true colors freely in their play are major factors for the success of this project. In addition, the presence of BABYMETAL and Kami Band are no doubt a big reason why core metal fans are showing their support and the heavy metal genre could once again be heated up after the 90s.
BABYMETAL will soon be performing in big festival including SUMMER SONIC 2015 and Ozzfest Japan 2015 and they will carry out their first time ever Japan Tour, BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2015 IN JAPAN, from September to December. With superior technique and view of the world on stage, BABYMETAL’s backing Kami Band seems will catch everyone’s eye balls.
Translation by: Redeared_Slider