BABYMETAL was highlighted lately on TBS, first on News 23 on August 19, then on The News Bird on August 23. The girls talk about speaking in english, the inpiration coming from Kerry King of Slayer and Limp Bizkit!
Watch the full report and interview on TBS The News Bird with BABYMETAL with english subtitles.
BABYMETAL Special Interview on TBS "The News Bird"

BABYMETAL Special Report and Interview on TBS "The News Bird" about their special performances in Europe at Kerrang Awards 2015 and Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards 2015 with footage from Sonisphere Festival in 2014 also, and Saitama Super Arena on January 10 of this year, in addition the report makes focus on the increase of sales of Heavy Metal music in Japan thanks to the exposure of BABYMETAL meeting other artists in Festivals.
. Also in the interview Su-Metal talks about her level of english and the audiences overseas and the differences with Japanese audience, while Yuimetal makes mention to Kerry King from Slayer and how much he inspires her, and Moametal said that she is listening Limp Bizkit lately and investigating the band, her favorite song is "My Generation".
Watch the full report and interview with english subtitles below!
Translation and subtitles by: Thomas Malone.