Special Sakura Gakuin program on #LoGiRL because Mori-Sensei was absent! But Morisaki-Sensei took his place as substitute teacher and MC for the show. Along with
"Morisaki" Mirena, Kano, Momoko and Rinon! Watch the full Sakura Gakuin program below.
Today special teacher on #LoGiRL, Morisaki-Sensei!

Today's Sakura Gakuin episode on #LoGiRL was different, Mori-Sensei was absent and Sakura Gakuin was in need of a new substitute teacher, with Moa Kikuchi graduated, the substitute teacher was Ooga Saki as "Morisaki-Sensei". Sakura Gakuin program on LoGiRL featured Mirena Kurosawa, Kano Fujihira, Momoko Okasaki and Rinon Isono.
Also the show features the always fun drawings by the girls, footage of Sleepiece, JAM EXPO and more!
Don't forget to activate the [cc] options! Watch the full program below courtesy of MissingReel!