Mikio Fujioka and Hideki Aoyama announced a collaboration for the Japanese show "Shakiin!". The Kami Band members composed a music for the for the program's song corner "Momo mo moe!". Read more below.
Mikio and Hideki music for NHK Kids show "Shakiin!"

Kami Band God Of Guitar Mikio Fujioka and God Of Drums Hideki Aoyama recorded music for morning program "Shakiin!", the music will start to appear on October 5 in the program corner at 07:00 Japanese Time.
The music composed for the corner "Momo mo moe!", was created also in collaboration with MI Japan Tokyo Instructor and ESP artist, bassist KOTA.
"Shakiin" is part of NHK Kids section, "Shakiin" is an intellectual entertainment program for children to start the day learning something new in a smart way. Their music for the corner "Momo mo moe!" will appear at least the whole month of October according to KOTA starting on October 5,
Below, some photos of the recording session in the studio courtesy of Mikio Fujioka and KOTA.
For more details about "Shakiin" visit NHK Site.
めちゃでかいスタジオのめちゃ隅っこにスタンバイなう。 pic.twitter.com/BFmfnxgfow
— 藤岡幹大 (@mikio158cm) August 12, 2015
おぉ✨ 解禁したんですね!! 楽しみです!! お互い娘と一緒に見ましょう!! (*´∀`*)ノ https://t.co/jgA4hxSpsY
— 青山英樹 (@aoyama_hideki) October 1, 2015
【解禁】 Eテレ「シャキーン!」 毎朝7時~番組内うたコーナーにて新曲「ももももえ!」が来週10月5日(月)からオンエア、 ほぼ1ヶ月間ヘビーローテションされるみたいです♪ 皆様ブチかましてます♪ 楽しみ!o(*゚▽゚*)o pic.twitter.com/KgG0Z01XOP
— KOTA ÷1 (@KOTAonbass) October 1, 2015
@mikio158cm @aoyama_hideki 神々の集いに参加出来て光栄でしたo(`ω´ )o有難うございました!>_<パチパチパチパチパチパチ(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
— KOTA ÷1 (@KOTAonbass) October 1, 2015