Sakura Gakuin performed two shows at Tsutaya O-East on September 27, was their second solo performance of Nendo 2015 after the Transfer-In Ceremony. Both shows were produced by
Third Grader Shirai Saki. Read the report and check the photos below.
Sakura Gakuin live at Tsutaya O-East and Shirai Saki birthday surprise

Sakura Gakuin performed the double event which took place on September 27 at Tsutaya O-East, where Shirai Saki will appeared as producer for "After School Number Magic" and "Shirai Saki, charmed as representative of the Fukei-San" and where also Sakura Gakuin celebrated her 15th birthday.
The first show "After School Number Magic" started with the 12 members dancing "Verishuvi". During the first MC talk the girls mentioned their favorite menues, Rinon Isono favorite a chocolate cake, Ooga Saki beef, while Shirai Saki said sushi with fried eggs while the rest of the students laughed.

Sara Kurahsima said bean past, Mirena Kurosawa boiled shrimp, Aiko Yamaide crab and kani miso, Megumi Okada a simple sea salad, Momoko Okazaki salmon eggs, Maaya Asou a fatty salmon, Marin Hidaka octopus, Kano Fujihira shrimp, Soyoka Yoshida inari sushi. The show followed with the introdction of "Song For Smiling" accompanied by clapping of the audience following the beats of the song. Then "Hello! IVY", after the students went off to come back dressed to perform "Mathematica!"
Before the encore Sakura Gakuin performed "Hana * Hana", and after the encore the "Purchasing Club" (Koubaihou) featuring Shirai Saki and Soyoka Yoshida performed "Piece The Check". The first performance "After School Number Magic" finished with all members singing "Kimi Ni Todoke".
01. Verishuvi
02. Chime
03. School Days
04. Song For Smiling
05. Friends
06. Hello! IVY
07. Mathematical!
08. Makeruna! Seishun Hizakozou
09. Hana * Hana
10. Piece De Check! / Purchasing Club (Koubaihou)
11. Kimi Ni Todoke

Before the second show started: "Shirai Saki, charmed as representative of the Fukei-San", a playlist selected by Shirai Saki was played. After the music by DJ Shirai Saki was played the performance started.
This time Sakura Gakuin started playing "Fly Away", "Song For Smiling", "Hana * Hana", "Mathematica!" until they reached the MC part. Then "Heart No Hoshi", "Marshmallow Iro No Kimi To" and "Message". During the encore the students prepare a birthday surprise for Shirai Saki, after singing a beautiful "Happy Birthday" they took Shirai Saki to the floor fence in a special seat, the 11 students in the stage sang "Takaramono" to honor Shirai Saki who was showing hapy tears.
The last song performed was "Yume Ni Mukatte" but fore Ooga Saki announced the Sakura Gakuin 5th Anniversary event to take in December.
01. Fly Away
02. School Days
03. Song For Smiling
04. Hana * Hana
05. Mathematica!
06. Heart No Hoshi
07. Marshmallow Iro No Kimi To
08. message
09. Piece De Check! / Purchasing Club (Koubaihou)
10. Takaramono (Dedicated to Shirai Saki)
11. Yume Ni Mukatte
In addition, read the Sakura Gakuin impressions of the event, CLICK HERE TO READ.
Photos of Sakura Gakuin solo performances at Tsutaya O-East
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