Finally Tiin Magazine from Mexico published the exclusive interview with BABYMETAL happened in Mexico on May 9 during the
BABYMETAL World Tour 2015 in North America. The girls talked about how they prepare for the shows, the differences between fans around the world, favorite experiences during in
tour, and more! Watch the full interview with english and spanish subtitles below.
BABYMETAL interviewed in Mexico by "Tiin Magazine" at Circo Volador

Tiin Magazine published on their official Facebook Page the exclusive interview with BABYMETAL in Mexico at Circo Volador on May 9 during the BABYMETAL World Tour 2015 in Mexico. BABYMETAL performed in Mexico at Circo Volador where Tiin Magazine a TV show dedicated to young and teenage audience interviewed them.
Su-Metal mentioned how they prepare to face their shows, while Yuimetal explained the differences between fans around the world. Also Moametal mentioned as one of her favorite experiences overseas the show in Cologne, Germany. Su-Metal mentioned how they found their popularity outside Japan thanks to Youtube and finally to close the interview she talked in English once again.
Watch the full interview below with english subtitles.