BABYMETAL was interviewed by Ohayo Asahi Desu during the BABYMETAL World Tour 2015 in Japan. The interview was published before their shows at Zepp DiverCity in Tokyo. The program made a review of BABYMETAL with information about them and the latest activities of the band around the world. The interviewed talked with the girls and learned how to dance Head Bangya. Watch the interview with english subtitles below.
BABYMETAL interviewed on Ohayo Asahi Desu

BABYMETAL was interviewed by the morning magazine TV program Ohayo Asahi Desu before the last two shows of the BABYMETAL World Tour 2015 in Japan at Zepp DiverCity. The report and interview to promote the last shows of lead by Kita who did a review of the band talking about their success, Lady Gaga, the awards won on Metal Hammer and Kerrang ceremonies and World Tour 2015.
Then she interviewed the girls in a fun and friendly way. She asked them their ages, if they get nervous before the shows and about their very aggressive dance moves. Then the girls showed her how to dance Head Bangya while Suzuka sang the song acapella.
Don't miss the full interview below!
Translation and subtitles by: Thomas Malone.