Sakura Gakuin is back to #LoGiRL, after two long weeks of waiting all the Idols are back to the program including Sakura Gakuin. This week Sara
Kurashima, Kano Fujihira, Megumi Okada and Rinon Isono are the members who show their charts in the show, along with the always awesome Mori-Sensei! Watch the full
program below.
Sakura Gakuin is back to LoGiRL!

Sakura Gakuin is back to LoGiRL after two long weeks of waiting. On November 9 Sara Kurashima was the leader followed by Kano Fujihira, Megumi Okada and
the Students Council President Rinon Isono along with Mori-Sensei. This week they were focused about the past Sakura Gakuin Festival 2015 which
took place at Akasaka ACT Theater on October 31 and November 1.
Also they featured the preview of the new Music Video, "School Days 2015"!
Watch the full program below courtesy of: MissingReel.
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