New Sakura Gakuin show on LoGiRL featuring Ooga Saki, Momoko Okazaki, Aiko Yamaide and Shirai Saki along with the always awesome Mori-Sensei! The girls showed their charms as always and announced a new Sakura Gakuin item to be released in December, more details below!
Sakura Gakuin new program on LoGiRL

Sakura Gakuin new online show on LoGiRL on November 23 featuring the third graders Ooga Saki and Shirai Saki along with Momoko Okazaki, Aiko Yamaide and Mori-Sensei! This program was fun with lot of giggling, very talkative as always Ooga and more a great number of adorable drawings, and some discussion about "what job would you want?" from the girls.
In addition the 5th anniversary photobook was also announced during today's episode, and it now available for pre-order on the official store A!Smart! Read more details here.
Watch the full episode in below courtesy of our collaborator MissingReel!