BABYMETAL Kami Band members Mikio Fujioka, Yuya Maeta and BOH held a performance together at ShowBoat, the event hosted by Mikio Fujioka took place on November 30, check their tweets and photos of the performance below!
BABYMETAL Kami Band members special performance at Showboat on November 30

Band God Of Guitar Mikio Fujioka hosted a special performance with God Of Drums Yuya Maeta and God Of
Bass BOH at ShowBoat. After his performances at ShowBoat in January and February Mikio Fujioka returned to perform with part of
the Kami Band in a sold out show at Showboat on November 30.
The Kami Band members after the show did a special Meet & Greet with attendees and did an autograph session, see photos below por more details of the M&G session.
The show also had Hidefumi Usami (BABYMETAL Live Sound Engineer and manipulator) as engineer in the show.
Below the tweets of the BABYMETAL Kami Band members and photos of the performance courtesy of: Makometal, Ou-Metal and Laidometal!
Don't forget to follow Kami Band members on Twitter!
Bassist BOH:
Mikio Fujioka:
Yuya Maeta:
Hidefumi Usami:
Blog更新(B・o・H)『藤岡幹大Presents in 高円寺ShowBoatが終了!』 ⇒
— BOH:6string Bass (@BassistBOH) December 1, 2015
高円寺ありがとうございましたー!!! 来てくれた沢山の方々、本当にありがとうー!!!( ´ ▽ ` )
— 前田遊野@11/30高円寺 (@yuya_maeta) November 30, 2015
藤岡・BOH・前田御三方のセッションライブを拝見。 遊び心溢れるステージでした。
— ||: 宇佐美秀文┌1─┐:||┌2── (@Hidefumi_Usami) November 30, 2015
本日、高円寺ShowBoatにお越し頂いた皆様ありがとうございました! またニコ生をご視聴くださった方々ありがとうございます! 是非また今日のメンバーでセッションをやりたいと思いますので宜しくお願い致します。
— BOH:6string Bass (@BassistBOH) November 30, 2015
(≧∇≦)楽しかった! 地方から来て頂いた方、お仕事空けて来て頂いた方…本当にたくさんのご来場ありがとうございます(T ^ T)
— 藤岡幹大 (@mikio158cm) November 30, 2015