Billboard released the Year End 2015 rankings for World Albums Chart and World Album Artists Chart featuring BABYMETAL is ranked #5 in both Charts! Check
the details of both charts and the Top 10 released today on Billboard.
BABYMETAL ranked #5 in the Billboard World Albums and World Albums Artists charts

BABYMETAL improved their ranking in the Billboard Charts compared with 2014, BABYMETAL finished #7 in the Billboard World Albums Artists Chart and finished #5 in the Billboard World Albums Chart. After today's announcement on Billboard, BABYMETAL finished this year #5 in both categories.
BABYMETAL is ranked #5 in the Billboard World Albums Artist Chart behind Buena Vista Social Club, Gaelic Storm, Celtic Woman and the Top 1 Celtic Thunder. In the Billboard World Albums Chart BABYMETAL Album is ranked #5 behind "Matching Sweaters" by Gaelic Storm, "Lost And Found" by Buena Vista Social Club, "Holiday Symphony" by Celtic Thunder and the Top 1 "The Very Best Of Celtic Thunder" by Celtic Thunder.
If you are wondering how the Billboard Charts works: "This year's top-selling world music albums, ranked by sales data as compiled by Nielsen Music." - Billboard.
Billboard World Albums Artists Chart, click here.
Billboard World Albums Chart, click here.
Billboard World Albums Artists

Billboard World Albums