BABYMETAL appeared in the latest issue of Nikkei Business January 2016 released on December 26 only for suscription members including a special content about BABYMETAL as one of the 100 People to make the next generation. Check more details below.
BABYMETAL #11 in the "100 People To Make The Next Generation"

BABYMETAL was featured in the latest issue of 2015 of Nikkei Business included in the "100 People To Make The Next Generation". BABYMETAL was added to the list in position number 11 as "Messiah" along with other artists and Japanese personalities like Inada Tomomi, Fujita Takanori, Kuriyama Sayaka, Yoshinobu Takahashi, Suzuki Daichi and many others.
"The high school girls attracted the metal fans of the world. Since a year and a half ago, the impact cannot be forgotten, even now when i just heard their music. Songs, dancing, rhythm, stage directors, back performers. All is preeminently good. The rest is natural talent. Absolutely live without a MC. To the world BABYMETAL's sense is strange and unique, it locked into he hilt. They are not Idols. They are first level artists."
Text by: Yuzo Kayama for Nikken Business.
Scan by: Mashiyu