Moa Kikuchi diary on Sakura Gakuin about her time during Obon Holiday and spending time skating with her friends in Nagoya! She also speak about popular figure skaters from Nagoya. Diary translated in the following blog post.
Moa Kikuchi diary: "Oh, come on, the summer holidays are gonna end"

"How did you spend the Obon period?"
Hello, it's Moa.
In these summer holidays, Moa has enjoyed a lesson, another lesson and more lessons (Laughs) and couldn't hang out with friends. But, in Obon holidays, I went skating with friends.
Nagoya is the city of figure skating. Mao Asada chan, Miki Ando san...Nagoya has produced so many famous figure skaters!!
Moa tried spins and jumps imagining I were a figure skater. I could perform better than any one of my friends, but couldn't perform like Mao-chan...naturally. (Laughs)
Everything needs a talent and efforts.
So, Moa will "Try my hardest" in singing and dancing.
I'll try my best so that I can be ☆Super Moa-chan☆
Diary by: Moa Kikuchi.
Translation by: Onji Kobe.

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