Suzuka Nakamoto diary on Sakura Gakuin. Short diary about how much she is excited about her first Voice Recorder to help her to listen her own singing voice! Read the diary translated below including photo with Airi Matsui!
Suzuka Nakamoto diary on Sakura Gakuin "I had my eye on it"

I got an voice recorder recently. I'm pretty psyched.
I've never used a voice recorder at a lesson in the school.
But, at a lesson of Sakura Gakuin, all girls but me use one. So, finally! I can have one.
At first, I was quite unsure how I can make use of it.
But, soon, I found it very useful to use it.
I can listen to my own singing again and again. I can easily find where I'm out of pitch. How useful it it!!
Now, I'm very looking forward to the next singing lesson of Sakura Gakuin.
Thank you for your leaving a lot of comments to my "Your recommended U.S./Euro pop?" diary.
I'm gonna try several titles.
Diary by: Suzuka Nakamoto.
Translation by: Onji Kobe.

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