Suzuka Nakamoto diary on Sakura Gakuin about her summer memories. She shares her experience performing with Ciao at Ciao Summer Festival 2010 and her performance with Sakura Gakuin! Read her diary translated and photo fixed below.
Suzuka Nakamoto diary about her Summer Memories (Diary part 1)

In this summer, I spent more days in Tokyo than in Hiroshima for the first time.
At the event of Ciao (Ciao Summer Festival 2010), I performed a dance in the image of kids in sports. We danced with soccer balls as props. At the lessons for the stage, at first, we often dropped the balls, or we couldn't throw up the ball at the same timing. But we practiced hard for three days together with dancing members. At the stage, we played really well!!
Each member had her/his responsible sport, and I played a tennis player.
Actually, I have never played tennis and it was very difficult to play 'Air Tennis'. (I hope the audience could catch that I was pretending to play tennis)
This year again, I wore very cute outfit of Adidas and it really raised me up. I could enjoy the stage so much.
At the stage of Sakura Gakuin, we made a blast together with a lot of audience.
This summer was the best summer ever
Diary by: Suzuka Nakamoto.
Translation by: Onji Kobe.

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