Second part of Suzuka Nakamoto's diary about her Summer Memories 2010. This time she goes in depth about the AMuse Kids activities, teams contest and singing her first full solo song, about six minutes. Read her diary translated below.
Suzuka Nakamoto diary on summer memories and singing a full solo song!

During the summer holidays, we had the recital of Amuse Kids.
In summer time, there had been a training camp of Amuse Kids from all over Japan every year. The camp is replaced by the recital this year. We had a competition between teams of kids from Tokyo elementary school, from Tokyo middle school, Osaka and Kyushu.
During the reviewing time for the winner, I was allowed to give a solo singing of a whole song.
I have some experience to have a solo singing at the recitals of Actor's School. But I had never sing a whole song. In the recital or event of Actor's School, solo singing is usually shortened into about three minutes. Nevertheless, it's very exhausting to have a solo singing especially when the song is a ballad.
And, I was given about SIX minutes this time!!!
At first, I felt very nervous...but soon I got ecstatic and I enjoyed the singing so much.
It was a valuable experience hard to get. yay!
The song I sang which was assigned by the teacher of Sakura Gakuin was..."YELL" of Ikimono Gakari-san. It was difficult to sing the low-tone part.
At the end of the recital, all kids sang a song together.
I enjoyed the recital very much!! *Fantastic!*
Diary by: Suzuka Nakamoto.
Translation by: Onji Kobe.
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