Moa Kikuchi diary on Sakura Gakuin, this time Moa writes about her guitar lessons. She started to take guitar lessons again after some time because she wants to become a reliable teacher for Nene Sugisaki! Learn the diary translated below.
Moa Kikuchi diary about playing guitar called: "An air of singer-sonwriter"

It's Moa.
By Nene-don, at the time of the Urawa-Misono live I would like to be taught guitar by the undependable Moa...I was told, therefore really I'm too much unreliable, and that's rather... For this reason, the guitar that recently I'm not practicing hard enough. I thought I'd like to practice a little harder. Moa, now, at the guitar classroom I'm playing Beethoven's "Für Elise" and Mozart's "Turkish March".
For some time (about 1 year?) I haven't played any chords so when I tryed to play them after a long time, I had forgotten because I wanted to play Yui san's "Good-bye Days" I started taking guitar lessons when I was in 4th grade though I was unskilled I could do it, and yet now instead... I am surprised myself I'll work hard and I'll review it again! And then, I would like to become a teacher that Nene-don can rely on!! (Laughs)
Please support me.
Diary by: Moa Kikuchi.
Translation: Gakushabaka

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