Usually BABYMETAL never answers personal questions. Most of the information about them is known from Sakura Gakuin diaries, and past videos. In this particular interview on FM Nack5 the girls answer personal questions! Check the interview translated below.
BABYMETAL answering personal questions on FM Nack5 "Idol Showcase"

BABYMETAL members Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal appeared on "Idol Showcase" Bang Bang Bang Questions section to talk about personal life! Interesting questions, funny answers, and more!
What 3 components do you consist of?
Yuimetal: "Tomatoes, Sakura Gakuin and my family"
Su-Metal: "Books, music and milk."
Moametal: "Idols, all my fans and my family."
What part of yourself do you like?
Yuimetal: "Well, energetic part of me."
Su-Metal: "I like myself being laid-back and positive thinker."
Moametal: "I can readily make friends with everyone. That's what I like about myself."
What part of yourself do you dislike?
Yuimetal: "Well, I don't like that I am bad at directions and unable to wake up myself up in the morning."
Su-Metal: "When I focus on something to excess, I always work on it at full throttle and lose my sight of all other things."
Moametal: "I don't stick to things, can't sleep alone, and have zero attention span."
What is it that you have been hooked on lately?
Yuimetal: "Well, this is a shared thing among us in BABYMETAL, we are into a game so-called "Ping Pong Pang" which Sakura Gakuin..."
Su-Metal: "I like going for a walk around my house. Also, I always feel like taking photos whenever findin an interesting scenery and skyscape."
Moametal: "I like tossing a snack up in the air and eating it."
This is just the first couple of minutes!
Listen the rest of the interview with English subtitles below!
Interview by: FM Nack5 "Idol Showcase"
Translation: Unknown.
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