Sakura Gakuin 2014 Nendo sub-unit Mini Patissier was interviewed at the National Family Cooking Contest 2014 to enjoy food and talk about their favorite dishes! Watch the interview with English subtitles below!
Yui & Moa with Minipati at the National Family Cooking Contest 2014

Sakura Gakuin 2014 Nendo Cooking Club "Minipati" attended at the National Family Cooking Contest 2014. Yui Mizuno, Moa Kikuchi and Hana Taguchi were interviewed by media to talk about the event, but also about their favorite food at the event, favorite dishes and why they chose that food at the ceremony.
Yui, Moa and Hana are also explain their favorite meals at school, at home, cooking with their family and Yui cooking with her father during his days off. Beautiful interview featuring Moa Kikuchi really happy with so many food around!
Watch the feature and interview below!
Translation & Subtitles by: Gakushabaka.
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