BABYMETAL's choregrapher MIKIKO-METAL to be featured on "MdN" Magazine September 2015 in a Special Feature of 22 Pages about her work as choreographer of BABYMETAL, Sakura Gakuin and Perfume. More details and how to buy the magazine below.
Special Feature of MIKIKO on "MdN" Magazine September 2015

Monthly "MdN" Magazine of September 2015 was released on August 6 has BABYMETAL, Sakura Gakuin, and Perfume choreographer "MIKIKO" as special feature: "Choregraphy - Love. Visual revoultion of space and time"
The MIKIKO's Special Feature includes 22 pages about her work and ideas step by step to capture in depth her visual revolution in the world of choreography. Content includes Mikiko's work for BABYMETAL's music videos like Head Bangya, Ijime Dame Zettai, Megistune, Gimme Chocolate and live concerts.
MIKIKO's comments on BABYMETAL choreographies:
Headbangya: I had no knowledge of Metal, in the first place. So I had little idea what “headbanging” was, and thought it would be cute if they did it shaking the head laterally, which made the choreograph in the refrain. There are whole bunch of ways of headbanging in the Metal world, right? They asked specifically to include “headbanging”, and I did. The movement to raise the twintail was what Yuimetal and Moametal were doing while dancing, kidding, and “That’s good, let’s try it in the dance”. So we did. We sometimes adopt interesting movement on the spot like that.
Megitsune: The theme in this song was merger of “Wa" (traditional Japanese culture) taste and Metal. They shot the MV in a shrine, and the costume was kimono, too. So I had a lot
of Wa taste in mind. Gestures like applying makeup “han-nari” (elegant, feminine, pliant), or using fan were employed for that. The final movement covering the face with the hand was associated
with wearing fox mask shown in the artists’ picture.
Ijime Dame Zettai: An assignment was that they wanted to make something called “Dame-jump” in fashion. I didn’t even know X-jump (a jump with arms crossed in X-shape, known associated with X-Japan). So I suggested “like hands in Kitsune sign?”, and they picked it up. Another thing is fighting scene of Yuimetal and Moametal. There is dialogue part in the song which made it pretty dramatic. So choreograph needed some acting. But they enjoy that part varying it for each performances.
Gimme Chocolate: This song was very easy to work on, as I recall. I like the call and reply part by Yuimetal and Moametal, that can show their
individuality. With interesting rhythm and catchy lyric, I just danced along playfully, and the choreograph came to me quite smoothly. I always choose “right” main rhythm in each song for
Babymetal. I then substantiate the dance by looping that rhythm. One of the reason they say dance is addictive could be the feeling of the loop.
Songs for BABYMETAL are of METAL tunes. Isn’t choreographing for them difficult?
Mikiko: "Not at all. Actually hip-hop steps could suit Metal songs well. They have steady rhythm all the way, and so I don’t have difficulty. BABYMETAL songs are very strong music, and I have to avoid being drowned in them. We make full use of bodies just like fighting with the instruments, and picking up all the notes of the instruments during intermezzo or accompaniments, we use them for the choreograph. As I don’t know about Metal music, musicians seems surprised, “I have never seen anyone who assign choreograph for each instrument like you.” Moreover, with BABYMETAL, live performance is of ultimate importance, so I seriously take into account movement of audience for choreography."
The monthly edition of "MdN" with 144 pages was released on August 6.
Translation by: LordOfChaDance
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