GrindHouse Magazine released an online report and interview with BABYMETAL from the Yokohama Arena in December of 2015. The girls talk about their experience in the BABYMETAL World Tour 2015, the reaction and coverage of International MEdia and their first appearance in the Metal Hammer Magazine Cover. Read the interview translated below!
GrindHouse interviews BABYMETAL at Yokohama Arena

-On the World Tour 2015.
Su-metal: "We were allowed to have the second world tour this year and there were many countries we visited for the first time. This year’s target was to proceed on the trackless road. We could spread the music that we enjoy to a lot of people over the year."
Yuimetal: "For BABYMETAL and Yuimetal, the most delighted thing in the year was the every live shows. The moment when we create unity with the audience makes me really happy. There was something hard as well, it was physical energy (or physical enduarance/strength). I’ve put effort into improving my physical energy this year to overcome lives and moves during the tour."
Yuimetal: "Everything was the first challenge in BABYMETAL which fused kawaii and metal, so it’s been a series of surprises like, “What the hell of this !?” Now we’ve experienced a variety of things, I’m convinced that 3 of us can go even further."
-On international madia coverage.
Moametal: "I think it’s a very happy thing. I’m glad to get a lot of people’s attention from around the world not only in Japan. When I work in BABYMETAL I can feel that music is universal even more. Regardless of music and other genres, I’m very happy with that our music and performance make people surprised and smile. Since I’d like to show something only we can do, I want to make effort and learn everyday so that we can be an existence you keep paying attention to. “Music is universal”; that’s what I’ve learned the most. Besides, I got to know that scary looking metal bands are actually kind and warmharted people. We could be with a lot of artists and I learned that, “Someone who makes effort is beautiful and cool”, and that how wonderful it is to express oneself. They made me feel that music is wonderful again."

-On being on the cover of Metal Hammer.
Su-metal: "It took a lot of time to feel it real. I thought it was amazing just to have our name been in a metal magazine so I was really happy, and getting recognition from metal magazines gave us strong confidence."
Su-metal: "The next goal is to make the Wembly arena show successful. Also, I realized throught the activities this year, that BABYMETAL is not just 3 of us, it becomes BABYMETAL when Kami Band, our staff, and our fan get together, so I’d like to move forward as the team BABYMETAL on the path we believe in."
-Interviewer; Then I asked a simple question which I’d had in my mind for a long time.
“Do you like the unit name BABYMETAL?”
Moametal: "I LOVE IT(in English)!! The name BABYMETAL means the birth of new metal and we, who were summoned, were granted the name. BABY also has the meaning of kawaii. We didn’t know metal, ”What is metal?” when we started. I’d like to spread kawaii+metal with BABYMETAL and I’d be glad if you have fan with it. BABYMETAL is the best name."
-Interviewer; Finally I asked the question prepared for teenagers (laughs).
“Don’t you get homesick during a long overseas tour?”
Moametal: "I don’t feel lonely because various countries give me excitement. We eat delicious foods in the country and 3 of us are together, so it’s not lonely."
Report, Interview and Photo by: GrindHouse Magazine.
Translation by: e-j-pass
Yokohama Arena Reports: December 12 click here - December 13 click here.
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