According to the latest issue of Kerrang Magazine, Su-Metal mentioned that they are working on an exclusive track for non-Japanese fans for their new upcoming album "Metal Resistance" to be released on FOX DAY, April 1st. Check more details and scans below.
BABYMETAL working on an exclusive track for "Metal Resistance"

BABYMETAL announced via Kerrang Magazine that they are working on an exclusive track for their upcoming album "Metal Resistance" to be released on April 1. According to Su-Metal they are looking after their non-Japanese fans.
Looking after their non-Japanese fans, BABYMETAL are working on an exclusive track for their new album, Metal Resistance. Although the title of the EU/U.S/non-Japan CD-only track is not yet known, singer Su-Metal said the new record's title, which they revealed on Friday, with the new album itsef due out on April 1, was chosen to tell the world they and their fans were one with them.
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Scans courtesy of: The Thrawn
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