Sakura Gakuin students Kano Fujihira, Maaya Asou and Momoko Okazaki were interviewed by M-On Music to answer 5 seconds questions about "Kirameki No Kakera", Sakura Gakuin, personal activities and more. Very fun 3 videos with the girls struggling to answer all the questions in 5 seconds! Watch the full interview with English subtitles below!
Kano, Maaya and Momoko answer 5 seconds questions on M-On Music

Sakura Gakuin Nendo 2015 members Kano Fujihira, Maaya Asou and Momoko Okazaki were interviewed by M-On Music to promote the release of "Kirameki No Kakera" on March 3. These girls now called as "KYG" (Group of very talkative girls on Sakura Gakuin) accepted the challenge from M-On Music to answer questions about Sakura Gakuin, the new album and their personal activities in less than 5 seconds!
Are the girls ready?
Watch the three interviews of M-On Music 5 Second Questions Vol. 84 all together in the following video with English Subtitles!
Translation by: Iwashi94
Videos courtesy of: M-On Music.
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