Shirai, Ooga, Sara & Rinon talk about their notebooks on DI:GA

Sakura Gakuin Nendo 2015 Seniors Rinon Isono, Ooga Saki and Shirai Saki along wih Sara Kurashima were interviewed on DI:GA to talk about their favorite good. The four girls talked about their notebooks and why the notebooks are so useful for them. Read the full interview translated below! 


Sakura Gakuin students Shirai, Ooga, Sara & Rinon about their favorite good

Editor: Rinon Isono, Ooga Saki, Sara Kurashima, Shirai Saki, please tell me what is your favorite good! 


Rinon Isono: "This is my second notebook for this year. It has things like setlists, stage sets, school regulations, formations, my own interpretations of song lyrics, and my own notes which are best kept written down. On the front and back covers I have put pictures of the dearly missed graduate, Muto Ayami-chan. It is filled with all of my favorite things, and it is a very important notebook to me."


Ooga Saki: "Everyone seems to have a ring notebook with looseleaf, but usually I have a composition notebook. I started using them in 6th grade, and since they're big characters are easy to write, and I can put all sorts of designs on them, because I always feel like gathering them. Since I transferred into Sakura Gakuin I must've gone through about 20 of these things. That's truly a remarkable consumption per year (Laughs)."


Sara Kurashima: "This is a notebook I bought for the 2015 school year with Rinon-chan, which matches hers but has a different color. But the truth is, I have another notebook which I use for everyday writing. I write important matters and my personal resolutions in this notebook. My favorite page is the very first. During this summer's Idol Festival, I received a letter from Shi-chan (Shirai). If you go to open the notebook that letter is the first thing that meets your eyes, (looking at Shirai) so it's always a nice shot of courage."


Shirai Saki: "Thank you for valuing it so much (Laughs). I started using my notebook almost exactly a year ago. Around then, my teacher said "you ought to have a notebook where you can write whatever you're thinking." And truly, there were things I couldn't properly express after mere observation, and because I felt like I wanted to keep a record of my thoughts, I began to write them in my notebook. And so after noting this, I've been trying to write down my thoughts after performances and between sets. And now I write things like what sort of person I'd like to be known as, or how I think about things. I write all manner of things in it, but I've never shown it to anyone. It's like my heart's own notebook."


Rinon Isono-san, Ooga Saki-san, Shirai Saki-san, Kurashima Sara-san, thanks for sharing!



Interview on DI:GA, click here

Translation by: Upgoon

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