Sakura Gakuin Nendo 2015 Students Council President Rinon Isono and Third Grader Ooga Saki were interviewed by DI:GA Online to talk about what is the first live show they went to. Rinon attended to PUSHIM show while Ooga attended to Karen Girl's show! She saw Suzuka Nakamoto for the first time! Read the interview below.
Rinon Isono and Ooga Saki interviewed on DI:GA about their first live show

DI:GA Online once again interviewed the Sakura Gakuin Nendo 2015 Third Graders, this time Rinon and Ooga talked about their first whos they went to, surprisingly Ooga's and Suzuka's bonds were linked before Ooga joined Sakura Gakuin.
What's the first live show you went to?
Rinon Isono: PUSHIM
"I've always listened to reggae since I was a child, so before I joined Sakura Gakuin I hadn't listened to any music genre except that. The first live show I went to was PUSHIM-san.
I remember when I was in my first year of elementary school, but actually my mother used to bring me to live shows since I was one year old. Even if I was too little to understand, I still enjoyed it, and the fact that the audience really enjoyed themselves left an impression on me."
Ooga Saki: Karen Girl's
"I also wrote about it in my blog, when I was in my 2nd year of elementary school I went for the first time to a live of Karen Girl's.
It was a standing event at Odaiba, so at first I couldn't see anything because I was small. But a young man who was in front [* or by oniisan she means her brother?] kindly told me 'you can go in front' so eventually I could watch from the front row.
I really liked it, and I watched while copying the choreo. At that moment I made eye contact with Suzuka Nakamoto-chan! Even after going back home, I rejoiced because I made eye contact with her.
Later, I joined Sakura Gakuin (where Suu-chan was), and when I told her about this she answered she didn't remember at all, though... (Laughs) As for me, this was the live show where I first learned how to enjoy, so it really left an impression."
Interview by: DI:GA Online
Translation by: Gakushabaka
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